2023-24 Russian Nationals Women's Free Skate | Page 28 | Golden Skate

2023-24 Russian Nationals Women's Free Skate


الله قوي إلى الأبد وأنا عبده
Record Breaker
Aug 8, 2023
А new generation of Russian juniors is insane. Alena Prineva successfully landed her quads at the competition today.
4Lz + 3T
4Lz + 2A + 2A
CLEAN !!!!!🔥
Not sure how thats relevant here but indeed the Junior Nats should be unparalleled.


الله قوي إلى الأبد وأنا عبده
Record Breaker
Aug 8, 2023

"I will gift myself a 4th place medal - one made out of chocolate"

And saying she considers 4th as a personal first

Splendid to see such a positive disposition after the tear-fest that this season has been


Final Flight
Mar 24, 2022
No it's not. 2019 and 2023 remains the toughest competitions, with 10 over 200 and 13 skaters over 190.
This year had potential to break that, but Khromykh and Kulikova bombed, so only 12 skaters over 190.
You have got to be tough and good to skate in Russia. It's been that way for the past three Olympic cycles and that's a really long time in skating. The internal competition in women's skating has been the best of the best. I would rather watch the women and pairs at Russian Nationals than any other competition of the season because you see the best competitive figure skating has to offer. No single skater is going to have years without competition like so many other countries (well most of them). Some people whine because as skater isn't around for a decade, but apart from Tuk, that's just not happening with this level of competition. It doesn't bother me in the least.


Oct 6, 2020
Shes around tied for 3rd in the entire world with Kaori. What are you talking about? Complete nonsense.

Yea I wonder why she should keep skating oh right there is this thing in life called doing what you love nevermind still being top 3 world wide.

Do you people even think before you type? Im sorry but...
You are comparing two different competitions, just by scores?

Okay: Sofia Akateva, unluckily injured, Score of 250 at January 2023. Would this score be good enough to get rank 3? Veronika Zhilina, last year a score of 233, this year just 222 maybe because of the injury later. Possible that Plush will find another 10-15 points for her. Even if not: Is fourth place eligable to compete in international championships? Yes, no, maybe?
Have you read and UNDERSTOOD what I was writing? No, you didn't. Nor Skating91. I was writing about the NEXT YEARS.


الله قوي إلى الأبد وأنا عبده
Record Breaker
Aug 8, 2023
You are comparing two different competitions, just by scores?

Okay: Sofia Akateva, unluckily injured, Score of 250 at January 2023. Would this score be good enough to get rank 3? Veronika Zhilina, last year a score of 233, this year just 222 maybe because of the injury later. Possible that Plush will find another 10-15 points for her. Even if not: Is fourth place eligable to compete in international championships? Yes, no, maybe?
Have you read and UNDERSTOOD what I was writing? No, you didn't. Nor Skating91. I was writing about the NEXT YEARS.
No I'm comparing two figure skaters by the content they jump and the quality of that content. If anything Valieva is still ahead of Kaori.

To be honest I cant really decipher the rest of your point. I dont care what she "will" be or what other girls "could" do. She is top 3 now and loves skating so I dont see why she "should" quit. Even if she was top 4 (She scored better than 233 even with mistakes? What was the point of that information) according to your whataboutism it would take 1 mistake from another girl and 1 extra landing from Valieva (if she didnt attempt 4T actually she could come 2nd) and she takes 3rd even with a perfect Russian scene. I dont see why she "should" do anything.
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On the Ice
Aug 17, 2023
That's why Kamila should retire. She is now a brilliant show skater, not a competition skater anymore. This was her last medal. She isn't good enough for Adeliia and Sofia and the next girls are waiting to compete on the highest level. Kamilas time on top is over. Alina Z. was way smarter than Kamila and realized, when it's the right time to say "goodbye" (even "silently" but those, who wanted to understand, understood she was retiring in the well known interview) before losing all reputation. Even in Team Tutberidze there is finally a new Number 1.
Kamila should start enjoying her life.
I wouldn’t say that she should retire but it is true that she came to the “show side”. We can see she isn’t that competitive anymore because she doesn’t look so disappointed when she fail a jump or when she lose, she just seems happy to skate.
Moreover, i find her programs more appropriated for shows than comp (the choreo, the topic, the costum and the make-up are just all different than the others programs). I think she is just now a superstar in Russia and wants to bring something new in FS.
The most important is that she is happy with what she’s doing but i don’t see her retire next season.


Oct 30, 2014
That's why Kamila should retire. She is now a brilliant show skater, not a competition skater anymore. This was her last medal. She isn't good enough for Adeliia and Sofia and the next girls are waiting to compete on the highest level. Kamilas time on top is over. Alina Z. was way smarter than Kamila and realized, when it's the right time to say "goodbye" (even "silently" but those, who wanted to understand, understood she was retiring in the well known interview) before losing all reputation. Even in Team Tutberidze there is finally a new Number 1.
Kamila should start enjoying her life.

Here's a disjoint series of thoughts...

I didn't watch the whole event, but decided to watch Kamila's performance after reading this comment. It was a lot better this time than last time. The program is lame but she didn't seem like she was gasping for air, the spins weren't completely slow, and she had some performance and projection.

The ability to rotate a quad is a huge advantage when it comes to keeping a skater competitively relevant. Those with a quad still get quite a few points with a rotated quad and a fall. But for those with just 3-3s, if they start falling or underrotating then it's over for many of them if they're in a deep field.

Kamila and Zagitova are not that comparable. Zagitova won the Olympics and then the next year won Worlds. She didn't really have more to achieve. Zagitova also didn't have the new rules for jump sequences.

It was obvious(to me) even right after the Olympics that Kamila had peaked. The 3A wasn't going to be something she could do all the time without getting injured. Looking at her mother it was likely she was going to grow quite a bit which comes with a lot of other challenges. I did feel like she would keep enough power to do the 4T.

The 4T isn't stable now but I think this is something she has a few years to work on. If it doesn't become at least a bit more stable in that time span then she probably ought to retire.

Kamila should keep going but she should not expect nor lead people to expect that she'll make the Olympics. Of course she can still strive for it, but there's little chance Russia will have 3 spots and if it's close I'd rather send Petrosyan or Muravieva just to avoid drama. It would be for her own good to deemphasize the importance of the Olympics.

Long program composition is a weakness in Team Tutberidze. To this day I think the only extremely well put together FS from a senior Tutberidze skater is still Yulia's Olympic year FS. There are some that are serviceable but there are a lot that are just pedestrian. They just seem to want to find a gimmick, try to mask problems that judges focus on and min max, and then year over year just put new skin over the same thing. Often I find the programs stutter and they need to do something(like not skate in complete straight lines) where 3 jump passes back to back in the 2nd half don't feel like mere exercise. They're not the only ones like that and some of that is a limitation of the artform, but it just feels like they take it to unnecessary extremes or put no effort in masking


Record Breaker
Aug 21, 2018
The Eteri girls just have this grit that is missing internationally!!

Daria going for a 2nd 4T after landing the first 4T was gutsy!! Good for her!! But, glad she didn’t move into the top 6.

Veronika “Viking” Yametova!! You did it!! Top 6 at Nationals. Just work on that triple triple combo please or go back to 2A 3T please!!

Anna Frolova!! Eight perfect consecutive programs this year!! You are a Queen!!
Congrats on top five!!

Kseniia!! She was radiating joy after her scores!! I just wish she was closer to Valieva score-wise. Congrats!! This is the best result you could have asked for.

Kamila!! Shame on the 4T fall. The first half was strong!! You can tell she was getting tired in the second half!! Terrific skater!! But, the slow speed in the second half was noticeable compared to Mura and Adeliya. But, love that she landed all her triples.

Mura!! You are a queen!! Amazing 3A and a clean skate!! Congrats on that silver medal.

Adeliya!! She deserved the gold medal. Her 4T is her secret weapon. She deserved the gold medal. I was happy with the placements. Excellent competition!

Also, to all the Kamila haters… be quiet. She can still be the best skater with 4T and faster skating in the second half. I want to see her continue.


Record Breaker
Mar 11, 2016
I'm for skaters doing what they want to do. I'm not enough selfish to want to skaters to skate 10 years just for my enjoyment. If Kamila doesn't want to compete anymore, God bless her. Seems like girl gave more time to photoshoots and promos this season.
If she wants to compete, God bless her. After all, she still is competitive. She rarely makes mistakes on triples, that's more than enough anywhere but Russia. And it is enough in Russia for now. I don't see why she should retire.
I think jumping comp and cup final will tell us more about how she feeld. If she skips the jumping tournament it will tell a lot. If she has not restored her quad and has the same stamina issues in cup final, it will mean she doesn't have the same dedication than before.

Alex Fedorov

Nov 12, 2021
There are at least two reasons why Kamila was not as good this season as before. These reasons are objective and well known. But besides this, there is something else: the free program is very doubtful. The choice of music raises questions, the choreography looks strange, the combination of elements is clearly unsuccessful. The solo 3T in the second part of the program is much more alarming than the fall on the quad.


Record Breaker
Mar 11, 2016
There are at least two reasons why Kamila was not as good this season as before. These reasons are objective and well known. But besides this, there is something else: the free program is very doubtful. The choice of music raises questions, the choreography looks strange, the combination of elements is clearly unsuccessful. The solo 3T in the second part of the program is much more alarming than the fall on the quad.
Her layout changed as much as her costume this season.


Jan 18, 2018
There are at least two reasons why Kamila was not as good this season as before. These reasons are objective and well known. But besides this, there is something else: the free program is very doubtful. The choice of music raises questions, the choreography looks strange, the combination of elements is clearly unsuccessful. The solo 3T in the second part of the program is much more alarming than the fall on the quad.
Yes, why didn't she do another Lutz like Muravieva did? She lost the silver medal right there...Sofia got 8.18 for her last Lutz and Kamila got 5.34 for her Toeloop. That is 2.84 points to Muravieva's favour, and it was 1.41 between them at the end.

Every skater knows that to be in the very top you need 2 Lutzes and 2 Flips.
When skaters begin to not choose the Lutz jump it indicates overall technical weakness.


الله قوي إلى الأبد وأنا عبده
Record Breaker
Aug 8, 2023
There are at least two reasons why Kamila was not as good this season as before. These reasons are objective and well known. But besides this, there is something else: the free program is very doubtful. The choice of music raises questions, the choreography looks strange, the combination of elements is clearly unsuccessful. The solo 3T in the second part of the program is much more alarming than the fall on the quad.
The only thing wrong with her FS is that its too hard


♥ Kami Valieva fan ♥
Final Flight
May 28, 2023
No I'm comparing two figure skaters by the content they jump and the quality of that content. If anything Valieva is still ahead of Kaori.

To be honest I cant really decipher the rest of your point. I dont care what she "will" be or what other girls "could" do. She is top 3 now and loves skating so I dont see why she "should" quit. Even if she was top 4 (She scored better than 233 even with mistakes? What was the point of that information) according to your whataboutism it would take 1 mistake from another girl and 1 extra landing from Valieva (if she didnt attempt 4T actually she could come 2nd) and she takes 3rd even with a perfect Russian scene. I dont see why she "should" do anything.
The guy obviously hates Kamila,that's the only clear thing in the middle of his confusing post. As nonsense as it sounds, he's entitled to his opinion. Kamila on a bad skate day is still ahead than the best from other countries (including Kaori, who is indeed a great skater) and some people can't take that.
I had never been a Zagitova fan, only skater from E. Georgievna I never cared about, but I would never dare to insinuate she should retire, she did it when and how she saw appropriate.
Not a fan of Muravieva (sorry, two people with the angry reacts to my other post 🤣) but she and her coaches are the bosses of her career, how, when, what and until when she skates, not a dissatisfied fan.
To the Kamila hater guy ... maybe just don't watch her, ignore her and cheer for the skaters you like instead? I don't care for pairs events, so i don't watch them. There are some skaters/countries currently competing that I don't care for them either, so don't watch, not interested.


Sep 16, 2023
You are comparing two different competitions, just by scores?

Okay: Sofia Akateva, unluckily injured, Score of 250 at January 2023. Would this score be good enough to get rank 3? Veronika Zhilina, last year a score of 233, this year just 222 maybe because of the injury later. Possible that Plush will find another 10-15 points for her. Even if not: Is fourth place eligable to compete in international championships? Yes, no, maybe?
Have you read and UNDERSTOOD what I was writing? No, you didn't. Nor Skating91. I was writing about the NEXT YEARS.

I don't know what you're actually arguing.

You think Kamila should give up competing but she had a base value of 71? The winner of the a major event in China this month had a base value of 62, and won the biggest event in the world earlier in the year with a similar base value.

If Kamila landed her 4T successfully yesterday, it would have given her around an extra 7 points plus the 1 point for the fall, so 8 points. She finished 8.5 behind Petrosian. She landed two 4T with a step out in the warm up. I'm sure by the end of the season it will be returned. This is a terrible time for her where she has height and weight changes monthly, eventually it all stabilises for the rest of her career.

She used the 3T instead of the 3Lz in the second half (this was the initial plan at stage 6 but she went for the problematic lutz and fell).

Now let's say Kamila was under ISU rules which allow you to use the inside edge on take off rather than the outside edge, she could have attempted the lutz, even if it was a cheated landing and off axis still receive +3 GOE this puts her over Muraviova even with the fall.

There are a lot of national competitions going on at the moment. It will be interesting to compare Kamila's score -- in a time of a difficult puberty, stressful proceedings, powerful men who keep threatening (publicly) what they hope to do to her career (I don't know what purpose this serves for these powerful men to apply public pressure like this to the child this is highly unethical), sociopaths on social media, reddit, forums who bully her every chance they get, no international competitions to attend -- and compare the base value of her program to what are other people are skating in those national competitions. She will probably have the highest base value compared to every other national championship in the entire world.

If anyone with a base value of 71, who skates that program clean apart from the fall on the rotated 4T (one of the most difficult jumps in the world maybe 6 senior women on Earth can do it), should retire, then that means anyone below her should retire. That leaves about 3 female skaters left in the entire world to compete. You're being so insulting to non-Russian skaters.
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Sep 16, 2023
Yes, why didn't she do another Lutz like Muravieva did? She lost the silver medal right there...Sofia got 8.18 for her last Lutz and Kamila got 5.34 for her Toeloop. That is 2.84 points to Muravieva's favour, and it was 1.41 between them at the end.

Every skater knows that to be in the very top you need 2 Lutzes and 2 Flips.
When skaters begin to not choose the Lutz jump it indicates overall technical weakness.

The lutz combo and sequence both in the second half would suggest otherwise, as well as the 4T attempted at the start of the program.

She had a base value of 71 there are probably only 4-5 senior skaters on the planet who can attempt a program with a higher base value.