2024 Europeans Entries | Page 5 | Golden Skate

2024 Europeans Entries


Nov 21, 2023
I want to convince myself that Smart/Dieck is a top I/D team but I just don't see it. The glaring difference in their basics alone shows that he has sooo much catching up to do. I feel like they are pretty much riding on her reputation at the moment. They are a new pair so connection is not there but even their potential ceiling is not high. But then I watch V/K and they are even a weaker team atm. Sure they are younger so maybe Spanish Fed thinks they have a higher potential ceiling than S/D but they are not there yet. Spanish Fed should have waited for V/K result at Euros then decide who goes to worlds.

Do you guys know how easy it is for Dieck to obtain the Spanish citizenship? that maybe a factor too for propping up V/K
Thoroughly agree Tim is far behind and they really don't seem to have chemistry right now. When Olivia was with Adrian he was the stronger of the two and now it is reversed.


Final Flight
Sep 7, 2023
Sorry for still bringing up Spains selection, but Smart/Diecks was even surprised by this decision:

Also, for those who believe that it really doesn´t matter who they send regarding spots for the next season, Smart/Dieck has the 9th best season best and 10th ISU best of the teams. Val/Kazimov nr. 16.

I don't think anyone is saying it doesn't matter- more doubt that Smart and Dieck would be making the top ten at Europeans when you consider the amount of European teams who are capable of similar or better top scores (and the fact that those rival teams don't have a consistent problem with the twizzles in the free). It seems to me that teams that teams known for frequent technical mistakes can start to suffer on the PCS side, maybe get some negative reputational scoring (i might be wrong though) so I'm not sure their high scores in that regard can be relied upon.

Yes, they have a very good top score but at their next competition they scored a lot less than that.. almost 15 points less in total, wasn't it? And people can complain that the Bosphorus Cup was overscored but that doesn't change the score.

I'm also pretty sure that Tim Dieck got to go to the Olympics after placing second at nationals that year so he must know these things can happen.

I've decided to unfollow the Skating scores twitter after that ridiculous multi tweet strop. The website is a good resource but their conspiracy tweets were completely infantile.
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On special assignment for work, see you in August
Record Breaker
Jan 3, 2007
Throughout the Hurtado / Khaliavin vs Smart / Díaz era, I liked the way that in the years when Spain only had one slot at both Euros and Senior Worlds, the Fed would give each partnership one assignment each. They should have done the same here.
This would've been the SMART decision.


Record Breaker
May 20, 2018
I'm also pretty sure that Tim Dieck got to go to the Olympics after placing second at nationals that year so he must know these things can happen.
The German qualification is based on averages over assignments and nationals set out at the start of the season. I think Muller/Dieck were ahead in all the other head-to-heads except nationals and that's why they were sent.

The Spanish system, reverting to only TES mid-November after previously using TSS for the olympic season is, well, questionable. I don't think there is a conspiracy but the whole decision making and euros/worlds reveal has come out in a bitter fashion...we can only wish the assigned team well and hope Olivia & Tim make it next time 🙂

I'm personally looking forward to seeing Allison & Saulius at their home euros, should be a big honour for them and hopefully a good audience to cheer them on!


On special assignment for work, see you in August
Record Breaker
Jan 3, 2007
I'm personally looking forward to seeing Allison & Saulius at their home euros, should be a big honour for them and hopefully a good audience to cheer them on!
So am I. Allison & Saulius have been steadily climbing a lot of hard work and persistence. It will be lovely to see them get the star treatment at home.


On the Ice
Sep 13, 2022
This would've been the SMART decision.
The Spansh Fed published today a statement that they will send Val/Kazimov to the Europeans and Smart/Dieck to the Worlds.
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On special assignment for work, see you in August
Record Breaker
Jan 3, 2007
The Spansh Fed published today a statement that they will send Val/Kazimov to the Europeans and Smart/Dieck to the Worlds.
That seems like a good compromise. Both teams get something and can be a backup for each other at the events, which was something else I was wondering about (alternates).


Dec 2, 2022
That sounds sensible. I am very pleased for both teams that they will get an opportunity at an ISU championship this season. It is a fair approach when the teams have been close to each other - much like with Lea and Lorine for France in singles.


Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
This would've been the SMART decision.

Before I go any further, great pun! :bow: :clap: :points:

The Spansh Fed published today a statement that they will send Val/Kazimov to the Europeans and Smart/Dieck to the Worlds.

Glad to hear that. It's a solution that everybody should be happy with.

Both sets of skaters get rewarded for their efforts during the season by getting to compete on the biggest stages. And fans of both partnerships get to see how their their favourites get on against the best international opposition.

Plus, the Spanish Fed gets to save a few quid, as Smart / Dieck will already be in Montréal! ;) :biggrin:



On special assignment for work, see you in August
Record Breaker
Jan 3, 2007
Glad to hear that. It's a solution that everybody should be happy with.

Both sets of skaters get rewarded for their efforts during the season by getting to compete on the biggest stages. And fans of both partnerships get to see how their their favourites get on against the best international opposition.

Plus, the Spanish Fed gets to save a few quid, as Smart / Dieck will already be in Montréal!
Yes to all of this. Plus both teams get to continue their progress and Spain has an heir and a spare this way. I did go back and look at the protocols quite closely and got more comfortable with the scoring overall at Nationals once I looked at levels and GOE and realized this whole thing is just very close and splitting the assignments is best decision for the health of ice dance in Spain. By the way I posted videos of the three junior teams and a bunch of other videos in the rewatch.

Rebecca Moose

On the Ice
Oct 6, 2023
wrt to Smart/Dick I found them incredibly overscored live at Skate America. I was shocked they were placed 6th. I thought the Browns, the Czech team, and Lim/Quan were all CLEARLY better and that 6th place finish was based solely on Montreal politics.

so yeah I'm not pressed they're missing out on Euros. I think them getting assigned Worlds is fair


Record Breaker
Mar 7, 2015
wrt to Smart/Dick I found them incredibly overscored live at Skate America. I was shocked they were placed 6th. I thought the Browns, the Czech team, and Lim/Quan were all CLEARLY better and that 6th place finish was based solely on Montreal politics.

so yeah I'm not pressed they're missing out on Euros. I think them getting assigned Worlds is fair
Montreal politics ? 2 of the 3 teams you are mentioning are also training at IAM... :) I wonder how that works.

Rebecca Moose

On the Ice
Oct 6, 2023
Montreal politics ? 2 of the 3 teams you are mentioning are also training at IAM... :) I wonder how that works.
yeah, Montreal has like half the teams in the field, no problems there! I hate to say it but you're willingly naive if you think Smart/Dick's placement at Skate America wasn't heavily politicked by IAM. Marie France made a critical tactical mistake not going to Spanish Nationals.

I'm happy the Browns got their due at Skate Canada. I've been following this sport a long time, and the Browns losing to Smart/Dick at Skate America was one of the most outrageous things I've ever seen in dance. A complete and total farce. This little Montreal backlash is long overdue.


Record Breaker
Mar 7, 2015
yeah, Montreal has like half the teams in the field, no problems there! I hate to say it but you're willingly naive if you think Smart/Dick's placement at Skate America wasn't heavily politicked by IAM. Marie France made a critical tactical mistake not going to Spanish Nationals.
well... i don't think much of S/D at this point... but the field you are describing is made of young teams coming out of juniors.. so..i wasn't surprised they ranked higher. I saw a bunch of these teams live at CQE. Lim and Quan were also not very yet ready for SKAM
I'm happy the Browns got their due at Skate Canada. I've been following this sport a long time, and the Browns losing to Smart/Dick at Skate America was one of the most outrageous things I've ever seen in dance. A complete and total farce. This little Montreal backlash is long overdue.
btw it's Dieck ;)

I reserve the right not to comment on the Browns. They have a long way to go and I feel many fans are hypering them too much.. Oups... I commented

PS there is very little naïveté in me when it comes to figure skating at this point.
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Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
yeah, Montreal has like half the teams in the field, no problems there! I hate to say it but you're willingly naive if you think Smart/Dick's placement at Skate America wasn't heavily politicked by IAM. Marie France made a critical tactical mistake not going to Spanish Nationals.

I'm happy the Browns got their due at Skate Canada. I've been following this sport a long time, and the Browns losing to Smart/Dick at Skate America was one of the most outrageous things I've ever seen in dance. A complete and total farce. This little Montreal backlash is long overdue.

btw it's Dieck ;)

Why do you think I always tend to refer to him by his first name? Avoids accidents like this. ;)

Plus, EVERY time I try to write "Smart / Dieck", autopilot kicks in and I write "Smart / Díaz", and I then have to go back and change it. Because of that, it is much less time consuming writing "Olivia and Tim", even though it has more characters.



Record Breaker
Mar 7, 2015
Why do you think I always tend to refer to him by his first name? Avoids accidents like this. ;)

Plus, EVERY time I try to write "Smart / Dieck", autopilot kicks in and I write "Smart / Díaz", and I then have to go back and change it. Because of that, it is much less time consuming writing "Olivia and Tim", even though it has more characters.

just use S/D . it's not that complicated :)


Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
just use S/D . it's not that complicated :)


I absolutely HATE people referring to partnerships by initials. It makes posts very hard to follow, because it takes ages trying to work out who is being referred to. A lot of the time, I can't work it out. And if I do, I've lost the flow of what I was reading, and have to start reading the post again.

Consequently, if I come across a post that is referring to partnerships by their initials, I nearly always just scroll past it and don't even bother trying to read it. It makes life a lot easier.

Incidentally, it took me until a few months ago to work out that the "IAM" that I kept seeing being referred to was the Dubreuil / Lauzon / Haguenauer setup in Montréal.

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Record Breaker
Mar 7, 2015

I absolutely HATE people referring to partnerships by initials. It makes posts very hard to follow, because it takes ages trying to work out who is being referred to. A lot of the time, I can't work it out. And if I do, I've lost the flow of what I was reading, and have to start reading the post again.

Consequently, if I come across a post that is referring to partnerships by their initials, I nearly always just scroll past it and don't even bother trying to read it. It makes life a lot easier.

oh well.. up to you... i find initials very easy to follow and i prefer that to making spelling mistakes, especially in that very unique case ;)


Record Breaker
Dec 7, 2022
I dislike the initials very much as well, but sometimes I use them nonetheless out of laziness. If you write about several teams and need the names several times it just becomes a lot of work otherwise. :frown:
Mar 21, 2018
As someone who just started watching ID last season, I remember how incredible difficult it was to follow the discussions because I did not have a clue what half the initials stood for. I still struggle with some teams or it takes time before I understand who people are talking about. So I prefer using either first names or last names. I do understand though it saves a lot of time, I think it works best using them a discussion they are already named with the full names. And with new teams, it´s really difficult when people don´t have knowledge about the team. Like not many would understand who R/M is.
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