Elena Radionova | Page 95 | Golden Skate

Elena Radionova


#EmpressAirlines #SinKatsapologist
Record Breaker
Feb 19, 2015
seems like Lena's giong to be on the radio today
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Mar 8, 2014

Thanks! Could any of the Russian speakers please summarize what Lena said? Or at least any of the interesting parts? :bow:

Lena's also answering questions tomorrow (via some kind of chat? I'm not really sure.) You can submit questions here, but I'm guessing they won't take English ones..

Of course, one of the questions is like "Will you go out with me?" :rofl:

Why is she not modeling yet?

Cause she needs to win the Olympics first!! :biggrin: But I totally agree, looking at that photo totally made me want that down coat thing.

Seriously, can she please get a hair commercial and a mascara ad?? :love:
(Reposting because I *LOVE* this photo.)


On the Ice
Feb 20, 2014
Lena's also answering questions tomorrow (via some kind of chat? I'm not really sure.) You can submit questions here, but I'm guessing they won't take English ones..

Of course, one of the questions is like "Will you go out with me?" :rofl:
:biggrin: i'm already hoping that someone will make a summary of this XD

Cause she needs to win the Olympics first!! :biggrin: But I totally agree, looking at that photo totally made me want that down coat thing.

Seriously, can she please get a hair commercial and a mascara ad?? :love:
(Reposting because I *LOVE* this photo.)

and she already modeled the coat for free in one periscope :laugh:
but yeah~ maybe after Olympics hehe


Mar 8, 2014

This is so awesome!! Lena always seems to stick out her tongue at the RU Skating photographer--see also here:
https://www.instagram.com/p/9yntu1ikwk/?taken-by=ruskating :laugh:

And also this!

It'd be nice to get know Elena answers from interview.

YES, hopefully soon!

Here's one more photo (selfie with one of the journalists).


In the meantime, here are Lena's quotes from last week's press conference with Zhenya & Anna [via GoogleTranslate].

It's really interesting to read Lena's explanation of her new EX program--Lena for world peace!! :agree:


Q: Girls, at the Moscow airport all the guys in our team arranged a grand welcome, with flowers, and a lot of journalists, relatives, and friends came. But let's go back to Bratislava, the day of exhibition gala. You have great numbers, tell us about them.
Lena: I do have an interesting program. First our song <Imagine>, which I loved, and I just wanted to skate something to it. But a year ago in Barcelona we saw a lot of living statues, and this prompted the idea--from which the idea of the exhibition program was born--that every statue, all that surrounds us, has a soul, something good and bright. A deep sense of peace and happiness is laid out in the words of the song. At a time when there are so many wars, I want to express with this program, that all people should be happy, enjoy life. That's why we came up with this brilliant robe. It is like the wings of an angel who protects our world.

Q: How important to you the support of parents, their opinion?
Lena: Mom, for me, is a friend, and I can share everything with her. I think that parents play an important role in every human life. My parents take me to practice. Sometimes they stay and watch. Dad used to watch every week. Now he loves to watch the competitions. Mom does not watch my performances, because she is very worried about me. But I talk a lot about figure skating with her. She can make suggestions that I try to take into account.

Q: Lena, not so long ago, you celebrated your birthday. What do you feel like - a schoolgirl, your mother's daughter, or an adult?
Lena: Yes, recently I turned 17 years old, but it's hard to believe. It seems that so far I'm still a little girl. Honestly, I do not believe that I am so old.

Q: They say you want to become an actress in the future?
Lena: Now I need to pass exams and to enter the Institute of Physical Education. If I choose something else, it would be difficult to combine studying and sports. But then, I think, I will try to get a second degree. I want to try to go to drama school at the Moscow Art Theater.

Q: Girls, is often said about our ballet that it is a declaration of love for feet. And how would you define figure skating?
Lena: Figure skating - it's not just a sport, but also an art. I think that similar sports include gymnastics, synchronized swimming. They, like us, can express themselves through music. Yes, we can say that the skaters skate their programs on their feet, we did ride. But it is very interesting.

And here's my translation of a Japanese interview with Lena, though really, the comments seem to come from the same press conference, but they were translated into Japanese. And it looks like Lena’s answers are longer. (Sputnik news is a Russian news agency.)


Q: On January 6 you turned 17. How do you feel about it? Do you feel like a child who is still dependent on her parents, a girl, or an adult?
Elena: Honestly, I can’t believe I’m already 17. I feel like I’m still a little girl--to the point that I’m not sure how to behave at this age. Obviously, I’m growing, and my body is changing. That is not a simple thing. There are also mental/emotional struggles. However, I am dealing with them well. You have to find the bright side in everything. That being said, it seems that I look far older and more mature than my true age when I’m skating on the ice. I hear that all the time. For my birthday, many of my friends came to celebrate. I received lots of presents. My fans/supporters always give me all kinds of presents. The most original present I received was from a Japanese person. I like handmade items and unusual presents.

Q: Last December in Barcelona, you beat Mao Asada in the short program, but you couldn’t reach Medvedeva, and in the end, you had to be content with 3rd. And this time [at the European Championships] you were 2nd. What kind of experiences have you had, competing in international competitions at such a young age?
Elena: I’m extremely pleased with my performances this time. In both programs, I was able to skate well. Feeling despair or giving up is absolutely wrong. This is probably the biggest thing I have learned from the all competitions I have participated in up to now. The only thing you need to do is show up and skate your program well. You must be prepared not only physically, but also mentally. It is important to aim for victory.

Q: At the European Championships, you used the music from the movie “Titanic” in your free program. In the exhibition, you used John Lennon’s “Imagine.” Why did you choose these songs?
Elena: Probably everyone in the world knows the song “Imagine.” I chose it because there are many wars in the world right now, and I think it would be nice if everyone could live in peace and harmony and enjoy life. That’s what this song is about. I am trying to express that. I believe that competition and friendship can coexist. It’s probably a hard thing to accept. But sports do not last one’s whole life, they are over in a moment. You shouldn’t have bad feelings towards others. Even if you are a famous sportsman on the ice, in real life you are an ordinary person. As for “Titanic,” simply, this story is a very moving love story, and Celine Dion’s voice is wonderful, so I am completely absorbed in the role, and at the end of the program, I’m filled with sadness and feel like I might cry.

…Perhaps Lena should take her own advice and try to look a little more cheerful in the secondary kiss & cry next time…
Or she could just win and be genuinely happy! :cheer:


Final Flight
Mar 29, 2014
Here’s the summary of the Radio Mayak interview.

At first she talks about how everyone is talking about her height. She grew 7 cm this year.
She was not aiming for a medal at the Euros, she just wanted to execute everything that was planned cleanly. She says it was a successful skate (though she was obviously unhappy, but she’s not gonna talk about that ).
She doesn’t like “fake” (those trained with a choreographer) emotions on ice. She likes skating from her soul.
Competition is healthy for the sport. Russian ladies are on the rise and she thinks this boom is unprecedented in history (interviewers agree).

Male interviewer: I don’t follow FS but even I can already name 6 last names of the Russian girls lol.

Female interviewer: Wow I don’t even know who to root for. For me the Rus Nats was an “I love everyone” sort of thing.

Mi: for casual fans it doesn’t really matter who places where as long as they are Russian. What do you think about that?

ER: I think it might be even harder for fans than skaters (laughs) because there are so many talents and you don’t know who to support.

Fi: is there a skater that intimidates you.

ER: to be honest no.
Elena also doesn’t like the 2nd KnC and prefers to go to the locker room after a skate.

Fi: Lakernik talks about the Euros being not very important in terms of determining real standings, was the Euros important for you.

ER: yes it was. For me every start is important; I am still young and this is my 2nd senior season so I have to skate as much as I can whilst I still have the youthful energy.

She says that there are 7-8 people in her (Goncharenko’s) group.

Fi: Why does Medvedeva, with seemingly equal skating as yours, end up ahead?

ER: She puts the arm over the head and that is scored higher.

Fi: that’s, it just that little detail?

ER: honestly I don’t know what else… its better to ask the judges.

She doesn’t have a particular skate she aspired to be and just wanted to be like all of them.
About her coach Inna Goncharenko: she may look stern and strict but she is a kind person. We are very close and I understand her “from half a word”. About her clutching my hands at the boards… that’s private that’s between us. Not really a ritual though, she might say different things.

Mi: do you feel you might reach a technical ceiling while others get ahead with trixels, possible quads, and backloading (gives as an examble Boyang Jin’s 6 quads)

ER: well it’s possible to stay ahead (small pause, closes eyes for a sec)… Hanyu beat Jin with less quads.

Awesome question from a viewer (male): why are you asking all these banal things: jumps, how you came to the sport… it’s been asked 100 times. Lena, better answer this, do you have a boyfriend and what are your plans for the future? (Mi laughs uncontrollably). Are you not afraid to fall in love like Tuktamysheva and have your sport career take a slide?

ER: no, right now my head is filled up with the sport and I don’t have time for anything else (laughs).

She wants to get a Mercedes and will probably be a fast driver (hehe). She wouldn’t want to get her kids into FS. If a sport then either gymnastics, soccer, or hockey.
She says that dresses cost 40,000 – 50,000 roubles on average.

At the end there were still a lot of questions from the viewers but they ran out of time. 
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Final Flight
Mar 29, 2014
Wow that was longer than I thought, so much for a quick "summary" :laugh:

I've seen several of these radio interviews with the Russian ladies. In this one Elena got the most viewer questions, compared to others, and what's interesting is that the majority were from men (get in line, comrades :p). Her smile and brightness were especially noted; she got a lot of complements. :)


#EmpressAirlines #SinKatsapologist
Record Breaker
Feb 19, 2015
aw huge thx for the transcript

Are you not afraid to fall in love like Tuktamysheva and have your sport career take a slide?
haha I didnt know he was the reason Now I know who to blame!:laugh:


On the Ice
Jan 19, 2015
Fi: Why does Medvedeva, with seemingly equal skating as yours, end up ahead?

ER: She puts the arm over the head and that is scored higher.
I don't think that's the only reason she stay ahead.
Maybe a little bit envy?