Elena Radionova | Page 96 | Golden Skate

Elena Radionova


Record Breaker
Jan 14, 2016
I don't think that's the only reason she stay ahead.
Maybe a little bit envy?

I do not think it's envy. just hard psychologically, when the girl that you devastating beaten two years ago (JWC 2014), beats you now. and then the second year in a row to lose the title of European champion is also very hard


Mar 3, 2014
I don't think that's the only reason she stay ahead.
Maybe a little bit envy?

What would you have wanted her to say in response to the question? In fairness, Lena also said that she did not really know what else was leading to Medvedeva placing over her and that the question would be better put to the judges. They should not have put her on the spot with this question.

However, the tano heavy backloaded programs are a factor and I would like to see the ISU reel this in the overuse/abuse.
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Final Flight
Mar 29, 2014
I don't think that's the only reason she stay ahead.
Maybe a little bit envy?

Maybe she didn't want to answer the question fully. Maybe she doesn't know the reason why. We don't know.

It's not so much envy as it is frustration. Last season she became senior and won her first three competitions right off the bat (JO, 2 GPs). In the GPF she had a fall so it was understandable for her that she lost. At Euros she, for the 1st time in her entire career, lost after skating 2 clean programs. This was a blow. She was crying in the hallway after the competition ended. At worlds she was ill so that loss was understandable. Also she was losing to an older and more experienced skater while herself being new to the senior scene,

This season the expectations are higher. Also, losing to a younger skater is always more frustrating than losing to an older one. In addition, she's losing to Med while not making any serious mistakes. I don't think she understands why and that's what causes such frustration.

Either way, she is now the most consistent of the "baby boomers" despite not winning. As a matter of fact, she has the most major competition medals (5). That's more than anyone since Slutskaya. :shocked:

Here's a list of medals: (# in parenthesis includes senior GP series medals)

1. Radionova - 5 (11) 3 GPS wins.
2. Tuktamysheva - 4 (10) 6 wins total.
3. Lipnitskaia - 3 (9) 3 wins total.
4. Sotnikova - 3 (9) 1 win.
5. Pogorilaya - 2 (6) 2 GPS wins.
6. Medvedeva - 2 (5) 4 wins total.
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GS given name - Beatrice
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2012
Maybe she didn't want to answer the question fully. Maybe she doesn't know the reason why. We don't know.

It's not so much envy as it is frustration.
Last season she became senior and won her first three competitions right off the bat (JO, 2 GPs). In the GPF she had a fall so it was understandable for her that she lost. At Euros she, for the 1st time in her entire career, lost after skating 2 clean programs. This was a blow. She was crying in the hallway after the competition ended. At worlds she was ill so that loss was understandable. Also she was losing to an older and more experienced skater while herself being new to the senior scene,

This season the expectations are higher. Also, losing to a younger skater is always more frustrating than losing to an older one. In addition, she's losing to Med while not making any serious mistakes. I don't think she understands why and that's what causes such frustration.

Either way, she is now the most consistent of the "baby boomers" despite not winning. As a matter of fact, she has the most major competition medals (5). That's more than anyone since Slutskaya. :shocked:

This - I also feel that this is more frustration-caused answer than an envy-poisoned one. She has a fire of competing and a strong strive to win and I can only imagine how could it feel to brace puberty issues, growing in terms of presentation, interpretation, still have jumps in place and then losing to younger skater who's getting more points due to backloading and tanos fever (yes, many will say that she can do same, but why if she's not feeling it and don't want to enforce these kind of 'tactics'? She's getting more mature and for sure she knows more what she wants in terms of choreography by herself).

As for expectations - they sure get higher each season, especially in Russian team where rivalry for spots in international competitions is fierce and where new skilled girls are transitioning to seniors each season. Moreover, Elena strikes me as a very determined and tough competitor. She should base her attitude on consistency she maintains, on ability to project on the audience, on her positivity. Yes - I know it sounds all pretty cheesy/lame, but at this point I really don't see other way than doing her thing - concentrating on maintaining good, stable technique and posture improving through growth spurt and finding better choreography/good programs for future.


On the Ice
Jan 19, 2015
Radionova is smart, she have a lot of stamina and she truly feels the program.
Medvedeva performs better, she's a good jumper and she is constant over time.
Radionova have some strong abilities and some weak point, so Medvedeva.
But now Medvedeva stay ahead, that's the opionion from every judges in the world, not only the russians.
She cannot say Evgenia is wins because the tano jump, it's not a smart thing to say, it's not like her to say something like that, she really thinks Evgene use a trick?
Maybe you're right, it's just frustration, not envy.


Mar 3, 2014
Radionova is smart, she have a lot of stamina and she truly feels the program.
Medvedeva performs better, she's a good jumper and she is constant over time.
Radionova have some strong abilities and some weak point, so Medvedeva.
But now Medvedeva stay ahead, that's the opionion from every judges in the world, not only the russians.
She cannot say Evgenia is wins because the tano jump, it's not a smart thing to say, it's not like her to say something like that, she really thinks Evgene use a trick?
Maybe you're right, it's just frustration, not envy.

I still don't understand what is so wrong with her answer, besides maybe not being politically correct. She is right, Medvedeva's tano jumps score higher. Also Medevedeva backloads more than the others, which is another factor. In the end Radionova deferred to the judges as being in the best position to answer the question.
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On the Ice
Feb 20, 2014
Thank you Tyranid for the trans! :thank:

She wants to get a Mercedes and will probably be a fast driver (hehe).
THIS! :biggrin: She already shared us her gun skills (hehehe)~ this one is also noted haha
I really love it when my fave shares their lives/interests outside FS :)

She says that dresses cost 40,000 – 50,000 roubles on average.
WHATTT?! :eeking:


Mar 8, 2014
Wow that was longer than I thought, so much for a quick "summary"

I've seen several of these radio interviews with the Russian ladies. In this one Elena got the most viewer questions, compared to others, and what's interesting is that the majority were from men (get in line, comrades). Her smile and brightness were especially noted; she got a lot of complements.

Tyranid, you are the best!!!! Thank you so much for the awesome translation!!! :bow:

I :rofl: when I read about all the guys calling in to ask Lena questions. I always thought she'd have a lot of admirers but I didn't think it'd be so soon! :laugh:

Also, losing to a younger skater is always more frustrating than losing to an older one. In addition, she's losing to Med while not making any serious mistakes. I don't think she understands why and that's what causes such frustration.

Yes, I agree. And it must be EXTRA frustrating because she beat Medvedeva at Rostelecom cup on PCS AND overall, but now, all of a sudden, Zhenya is getting higher PCS than her and winning with a fall.

Radionova is smart, she have a lot of stamina and she truly feels the program.
Medvedeva performs better, she's a good jumper and she is constant over time.
Radionova have some strong abilities and some weak point, so Medvedeva.
But now Medvedeva stay ahead, that's the opionion from every judges in the world, not only the russians.
She cannot say Evgenia is wins because the tano jump, it's not a smart thing to say, it's not like her to say something like that, she really thinks Evgene use a trick?
Maybe you're right, it's just frustration, not envy.

I don't agree with several of your points.

First, Zhenya is good at some of the jumps, but not all of them. She uses the wrong edge for her lutz (though it's true that she hasn't been called on it), and she's fallen twice on her triple flip (Ondrej Nepela Trophy FS, Rostelecom SP), and twice on a double axel (Skate America FS, Euros FS). She's already fallen more this season than Lena has fallen over the past two seasons COMBINED. I wouldn't call that "constant over time."

However, the jumps she lands, she executes cleanly, and often with the tano arm, which helps her earn more GOE's. Lena's absolutely right about that.

People have written a lot about "backloading," and while I don't have an opinion about whether it should be allowed or not, it's *NOT* really giving Zhenya an advantage over Lena. Maybe over the other ladies, yes, but not over Lena.

At Euros, the base value of Lena's SP elements was 33.06. Zhenya's base value, even with the backloading, was 33.10, so just a tiny difference.
In the FS, the base value of Lena's FS elements was 62.50, while Zhenya's was only 62.33 DESPITE all the backloading. This is because Lena does two lutzes and two loops, versus Zhenya, who does two flips and two toe loops, both of which have lower base values.

So the difference in their TES was COMPLETELY due to GOEs, and that is where tanos help Zhenya.

So I agree with winky97, I don't think there's anything wrong with what Lena said. :agree:

You might be right that the judges think Zhenya is better right now, but we shall see what happens in the next few seasons! :yes:


Mar 8, 2014
She says that dresses cost 40,000 – 50,000 roubles on average.

WHATTT?! :eeking:

I think that's actually underestimating the cost (or it's not adjusted for how much the ruble has depreciated), because I think they run about 1000 - 5000 US dollars:

Apparently Tarasova gave Lena her new FS costume as a present...? :eek: That's what the journalist Arthur Werner reported.
If so, that was quite a nice present!

I wonder if Tarasova would consider choreographing for Lena...I wasn't a fan of many of her competitive programs for Mao, but I feel that Lena might be a better match, style-wise...


On the Ice
Dec 16, 2014
I wonder if Tarasova would consider choreographing for Lena...I wasn't a fan of many of her competitive programs for Mao, but I feel that Lena might be a better match, style-wise...

Ugh don't tease me, bro; I would love to see what kind of programs Tatiana would dream up for Lena; she has a fiery personality similar to a Sasha Cohen, and I feel like she'd be able to hone Lena's own sense of drama and passion for performing with artistic vehicles that the judges would really enjoy.


Mar 8, 2014
Ugh don't tease me, bro; I would love to see what kind of programs Tatiana would dream up for Lena; she has a fiery personality similar to a Sasha Cohen, and I feel like she'd be able to hone Lena's own sense of drama and passion for performing with artistic vehicles that the judges would really enjoy.

Haha, I'm not a "bro," but point taken! :biggrin:

Well, Arthur Werner was actually speculating that TAT would take over as Lena's coach, but I think that's HIGHLY UNLIKELY. She already oversees Lena's training before the competitions (Lena said this herself); I don't think TAT will get more involved than that.

But we can hope that she might choreograph a masterpiece for Lena! :agree:


And some other stuff I forgot to post earlier:

Euro FS photos:

Practice photos:
The person who took the photos says "At any competition--the easy-to-photograph Lena! I guess it's because the accents of her movements are easy to understand? At any rate, at every moment, she's CUTE! And she has presence."

And my personal favorites! GIFs of Lena's "Single Ladies" dance: :love: :agree:


Record Breaker
Nov 18, 2014
I don't want to get in trouble for self promotion, but I posted the link to a spy-themed worlds preview movie trailer I made of Elena in the State of Russian Ladies thread. It was a lighthearted, slightly comedic trailer to wish her luck at worlds and I hope y'all enjoy it! :)


On the Ice
Apr 21, 2015
Hi guys. Sorry if this is kinda out of the blue and apologize if it has been asked before.. I wanna ask if you guys know which My Heart Will Go On instrumental version Elena uses for her program music? I know the program isn't everyone's favorite but it's still a beautiful piece of music and I'd love to know which version it is (I did some digging to no avail so thought of asking you guys here).

I can't remember if I've posted here before or not but I low key adore Elena to bits! I love how she always puts her all into her performance and no matter what you just know that she loves skating, she loves to be out there (some commentators stated it before and couldn't agree more). :agree2:
I wish I could have more time visiting and posting but this year I've been really busy and barely have time to lurk the forum it's kinda frustrating but anyway..


#EmpressAirlines #SinKatsapologist
Record Breaker
Feb 19, 2015
yep the most think I admire abt Lena is her shape all these years
With gals quickly gaining & as quickly losing success to be on the podium is so notable!:cheer2:

I do admit that I vasty prefer Zhenya progs
TAT would be vast improvement!
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On the Ice
Feb 20, 2014
Yes, I agree. And it must be EXTRA frustrating because she beat Medvedeva at Rostelecom cup on PCS AND overall, but now, all of a sudden, Zhenya is getting higher PCS than her and winning with a fall.

First, Zhenya is good at some of the jumps, but not all of them. She uses the wrong edge for her lutz (though it's true that she hasn't been called on it), and she's fallen twice on her triple flip (Ondrej Nepela Trophy FS, Rostelecom SP), and twice on a double axel (Skate America FS, Euros FS). She's already fallen more this season than Lena has fallen over the past two seasons COMBINED. I wouldn't call that "constant over time."

However, the jumps she lands, she executes cleanly, and often with the tano arm, which helps her earn more GOE's. Lena's absolutely right about that.

People have written a lot about "backloading," and while I don't have an opinion about whether it should be allowed or not, it's *NOT* really giving Zhenya an advantage over Lena. Maybe over the other ladies, yes, but not over Lena.

At Euros, the base value of Lena's SP elements was 33.06. Zhenya's base value, even with the backloading, was 33.10, so just a tiny difference.
In the FS, the base value of Lena's FS elements was 62.50, while Zhenya's was only 62.33 DESPITE all the backloading. This is because Lena does two lutzes and two loops, versus Zhenya, who does two flips and two toe loops, both of which have lower base values.

So the difference in their TES was COMPLETELY due to GOEs, and that is where tanos help Zhenya.

So I agree with winky97, I don't think there's anything wrong with what Lena said. :agree:

You might be right that the judges think Zhenya is better right now, but we shall see what happens in the next few seasons! :yes:



Mar 8, 2014
Hi guys. Sorry if this is kinda out of the blue and apologize if it has been asked before.. I wanna ask if you guys know which My Heart Will Go On instrumental version Elena uses for her program music? I know the program isn't everyone's favorite but it's still a beautiful piece of music and I'd love to know which version it is (I did some digging to no avail so thought of asking you guys here).

I can't remember if I've posted here before or not but I low key adore Elena to bits! I love how she always puts her all into her performance and no matter what you just know that she loves skating, she loves to be out there (some commentators stated it before and couldn't agree more).
I wish I could have more time visiting and posting but this year I've been really busy and barely have time to lurk the forum it's kinda frustrating but anyway..

Sadly, I'm not sure what music Lena uses...but hopefully you can find more time to lurk or even post on the forum!! :yes:

I don't want to get in trouble for self promotion, but I posted the link to a spy-themed worlds preview movie trailer I made of Elena in the State of Russian Ladies thread. It was a lighthearted, slightly comedic trailer to wish her luck at worlds and I hope y'all enjoy it!

Let me promote it for you then! Check out Layback11's awesome video here, if you haven't seen it already!

Though I think next time someone makes a video about Lena-the-spy, it out to include this clip:
https://www.instagram.com/p/29IYCKwYbq/?taken-by=lenok_radionova :eek:

While we're on the topic of Lena's stellar consistency, check out this photo of the past 4 Russian national podiums (ok, well the last one is Euros, but same result):
Lena's always there! :yes:

Oh, and if anyone is wondering what this sign says, it's "I'm a champion"! :agree:


Record Breaker
Nov 18, 2014
Sadly, I'm not sure what music Lena uses...but hopefully you can find more time to lurk or even post on the forum!! :yes:

Let me promote it for you then! Check out Layback11's awesome video here, if you haven't seen it already!

Though I think next time someone makes a video about Lena-the-spy, it out to include this clip:
https://www.instagram.com/p/29IYCKwYbq/?taken-by=lenok_radionova :eek:

While we're on the topic of Lena's stellar consistency, check out this photo of the past 4 Russian national podiums (ok, well the last one is Euros, but same result):
Lena's always there! :yes:

Oh, and if anyone is wondering what this sign says, it's "I'm a champion"! :agree:

Thank you! :eek:: :) :thank:


Mar 8, 2014

Ok, here's the GoogleTranslate of the interview, with my edits. It's LOOONG!

"Teachers come to me every day. Need to pass exams"

Figure skater Elena Radionova - a dress made for "Titanic", working with Morozov, closed social networks, travel in "boat" and English lessons.

The Russian women's figure skating conveyor belt works flawlessly. There is no time to think about the fact that you're the best - or you'll be covered by a new wave. Fans rejoice, as foreigners complain that the champions of Russia follow each other so quickly that they do not have time to memorize [who is who]. Elena Radionova - the only one who did not miss one of their positions in comparison with last season as a year ago, as she was on podium of the national championship, the Grand Prix Final and European championship . "Championships" interviewed the great skater, whho is now preparing for the main tournament of the season - the World Cup in Boston.

"In China, I had a great experience - never give up"

Q: Elena, after a successful season last year, did your coach put any specific goals for this season - the places or points?
A: No, we're not talking about taking a position or total score. We worked on specific tasks: Progress on the quality of skating, increase the technical base value of the jumps and improved rotations.

Q: Work on increasing the second evaluation of the components?
A: We have worked very hard with choreographers. I have several of them - one involved with me on the ice, the other on the floor.

Q: Any new bundles were added in the offseason?
A: No, in the off-season we have already worked out and put the program naprygivali jumping.

Q: Since I started talking about practice, I cannot help but ask the most difficult period was when Inna Germanovna (Goncharenko, personal trainer - Ed...) was sick?
- Yes, the beginning of the season all came out some crumpled. At first I was injured, then my coach was sick. In China, the first stage of the Grand Prix was terribly exciting. But I got there a vast experience in the sense that you should never give up. And then when we were already on the Moscow stage, I have been much easier to prepare psychologically. Now I know in what condition I should be before the performance, and I can control.

Q: It was scary? After all, in China it was the first time that your coach was not there.
A: I'm not used to competing without a coach, we have been close since childhood, are always together in the competition, and then I was left alone. In the beginning it was a shock. First Inna Germanovna said she tries to come to the competition, and I somehow psychologically emancipated.
And then it became clear that to come to China, she still cannot, and that's when the jitters started. We had to get used to the idea that here I should only work myself. Thank Artur Dmitriev, who helped me to get together and gave some very useful tips.

Q: And what was the main advice?
A: Feel the arena. In training on rolling out, to understand what it is.

Q Has anyone ever spoke to you about moving to another coach, or another school?
A: I was not approached with such a proposal, never. I was happy with everything in my current mentor. And when all is well, what's the point to look for something better?

"Dress for the 'Titanic' came up with the very"

Q: Artur Dmitriev spoke about the feeling of the arena. In Bratislava, it was possible to understand? It seemed that the problems on-site at any stage just because of this.
A: The arena was more narrow, but long, and I'm used to quite another standard rink. When we come to the competitions, they are always different. In training, I kind of adapted to this size, and in the event it turned out that I jumped, and then have absolutely no space. Well, at least I was able to go and not to touch the rim.

Q: And there were cases when after all brushed?
A: One time, when little was. I jumped, like left, but then had to have his hands on the side of a start.

Q: Tech panel can mark underrotation or incorrect edge after watching the replay. And the skater feels these things during rolling - here, they say, I flew off the edge, just punished?
- Technically, I learned correctly, so I have no problems with underrotating jumps and irregular edges, and it is good that they are not. So I cannot answer for the others here. But even if I make any mistake, I do not set myself a check that there is so much I lost points. I just finalized before the end of the program.

Q: This year both of your programs are love poems. Who was the author of the idea to take the music from "Titanic" and Lara Fabian?
A: The idea about the "Titanic" came from my coach, and I just supported it, because I do not remember a single skater who skated to this music. Moreover, we are now allowed to use the music to the words, and there's just a great song, so I did not even question the choice. The short program was offered to me by my director Nikolai Morozov. We could not come to the desired option, trying all sorts of different melodies. And when I started to skate to <Je t'aime>, I immediately felt: this is mine.

Q: What are your impressions of working with Morozov?
A: It was the first time he choreographed a program for me. They are usually choreographed for me by a director who does not work on the ice. But Nicholas might explain and try and offer some horeopriёm, before he himself makes it at the rink. If he feels that I was uncomfortable, he tries a different option. I also believe: the first thing the program needs to be comfortable for the skater. In other words, you have to turn to the right, because the rhythm of the music you want to turn right, and not because it's necessary, on the basis of performances and everything.

Q: Before the European Championship you have changed the dress for your free program. It was your own idea?
A: I said many times that the dress came out very beautiful. I invented it myself. This year I even began to take greater responsibility for preparing my own costumes. With regard to this dress, I first reviewed the "Titanic", and then looked for patterns of clothing worn in that era. As a result, I stopped at that - is, in my view, a competitive version of an evening dress from the movie. I do not really draw a sketch, just showed a few photos I arranged, I can see for myself the dress, and after that the master gradually completed.

Q: This season you moved away from the practice of putting your tights over the skates. Why?
A: As little girls, we all tend to wear tights over our boots. It's somehow looks childish, and I, probably, am not too old for this, but I wanted to try something new. Still, at this level almost everyone skates with open boots.

Q: One of the most difficult issues for skaters - growing up, puberty. How do you deal with this situation?
- In this season I have often said that I grew up, matured. Of course, there are difficulties, but I try to look at this [as having] more pluses than minuses. It is necessary to adjust oneself, it is inevitable, and I still need to get used to my new body.

"On the streets I'm not recognized"

Q: And the media attention and fans, a tremendous increase after your victories, such as the impact on self-perception?
A: I think I am not particularly affected - I have my business, which I have to deal with, and the goal to which I aspire.

Q: And thousands of fan letters do not interfere?
A: And I can write only friends - I have all the social network closed. When I verified page "VKontakte", so set your privacy settings, and I did not change anything.

Q: And would you like to do something about the scope of your publicity? For example, to become even more recognizable, or vice versa, at least?
A: To be honest, the last thing I think of is my popularity, and I don't especially feel it. I am not recognized on the streets, in the shops.

Q: After your success you feel you have become an idol and an example for very young girls, who are engaged in the same group with you?
A: I have a great relationship with all of them, we get along very well. I do not know if I became some kind of role model for them, but if so, I will be very pleased.

Q: And who of your competitors for the championship of Russia do you have better relationships with?
A: It is most pleasant for me to talk with Julia Lipnitskaya, Adelina Sotnikova and Liza Tuktamysheva. I cannot say that we are best friends, but we can easily have a heart-to-heart talk after the competition.

Q: They've all been victims of growing up at one time or another. Did they give you any advice on this issue?
A: No, we talk more about life. The competition is enough ice skating, so you do not discuss it. We must somehow distract ourselves.

"For the race jumps will not"

Q: It seemed that you were very disappointed with second place at the European Championships. So whether it was in fact, and due to what, in your opinion, Medvedeva won?
A: It was not so much that I was disappointed, but that I was emotionally drained. I give everything both physically and mentally during the program, so in the end I just have no strength left to express any emotion. And if the judges gave first place to Zhenya, it means she really was stronger. I have no complaints towards them.

Q: After last year's fabulous performances of Tuktamysheva these two words define, perhaps, all the top-end figure skaters in the world. The triple axel?
A: No, in the off-season, I do not plan to learn it. I believe that the women's figure skating should move in the direction of beautiful lines and soft gliding. And if everyone will chase jumps, our sport may lose the beauty. When viewers see only jumping, even very complex ones, it's too boring.

Q: What do you like best in the men's figure skating?
A: They have now also gone a mass movement in the direction of increasing the number of quads. Maybe it is for boys and correctly, I do not know. But Yuzuru Hanyu gets just some cosmic points, beats world records, which is breathtaking. However, I cannot say that I follow very closely and am rooting hard for a particular skater.

Q: Do you follow your opponents? For example, for Miyahara with Asada and Wagner with Gold?
A: So careful for nothing who does not follow. That meet in a tournament, there is everything and we will see.

Q: At the European Championships Florent Amodio gave a touching goodbye to the fans. How do you assess this decision?
A: It is a pity that he retired. Florent - so bright a skater that he could please fans with his vivid and memorable programs for years to come.

Q: As a little girl were you are worried about any particular skater, watching him/her on television?
A: No, I first started in figure skating, and then started to follow skaters. My legs were turned in, and dad offered to put me on skates, hoping it will help align them. I was then three and a half years. We did not aim to grow to be champion.

Q: When did figure skating change from a therapeutic and prophylactic occupation into a serious conscious choice?
A: When I was five, I won my very first competition. And then the question arose: just school, studies or try to reconcile with the figure skating? My parents and I decided to stay in the sport, then I moved to the junior level, and so gradually got to the places where I am now.

Q: When you see the work of Inna Germanovna at your side, do you have the idea that at the end of your career you could continue her path?
A: I sometimes think a lot about what to do after I retire. I tried to coach young children and realized that I succeed. Because after I tinker with a girl's jump, she was able to do it. And it was nice, and I - I saw something I can pass on to others from my experience. I cannot say that I have a great desire to eventually work as a coach, but if I get it, why not help the children?

The coach said: "I went to work!" And I go

Q: Fans are wondering how do you deal with the anxiety of the competition?
A: I just tune in to what it takes to go out and do what you know how. Inna Germanovna says: "I went to work!" - And I go.

Q: Another question from fans. If adequate normal boy would ask you to show him Moscow, would you agree?
A: No (laughs).

Q: You know Moscow well? And what are your favorite places?
A: I guess, yes. And I like to walk on the Red Square the most, I think that this is the most beautiful place in Moscow.

Q: Another question fans. Elena, will you try "to hand" jumps? Referring to "Tano".
A: As a child I did such jumps, but now do not jump.

Q: Some questions about working with Nikolai Morozov. Did you discuss with him during the European championship changes to the program that needs to be done before the world championship?
A: Before Bratislava we were training with Nikolai and Florent Amodio in Novogorsk. I usually train at CSKA, but then we decided to come to Novogorsk, there are very good conditions there. And he just worked out the program. After the tournament we have not discussed the program and the preparation of the World Cup with Morozov, we did it with the coach.

Q: Fans are also wondering how you are now jumping in training and if you have problems with Lutz?
A: Fortunately I have never had a problem with the Lutz. Maybe there were mistakes in my performances, but overall I feel good about the lutz. And jumping is good too.

Q: Then up to a question. And which of the toe jumps do you like - Lutz or flip?
A: Probably Lutz. Although I generally like the toe jumps more than the edge jumps.

Q: Do you have any desire to make a program in a completely different style for the new season, distant from those in which you are skating?
A: It is necessary to think together with the choreographer and trainer. Let this season until the end, and then we'll see.

Q: Do not have to face the reproach that took pop music, you went to a simpler way, instead of skate to immortal classics?
A: No wonder that we were allowed to ride the melody with vocals. I believe that you need to ride under the music that no one or very few athletes have skated to. So many times and so many skaters used classical music as a musical accompaniment, and I did last year. I want something new, something interesting that nobody has ever used.

"The whole podium is Russian - it's great"

Q: Your goal - getting to the Olympics. And what do you think of the Olympic team tournament?
A: I think it's wonderful that they have come up with such competitions. In most individual sports - swimming, gymnastics, athletics - you can win a few medals at one Games. Now this opportunity came and skaters can too. When I participated in the World Team Championship, I felt it myself: there is a team spirit, you are worried for your team-mate, you want to do as well as possible.

Q: In Sochi, because you were in the exhibition gala?
A: Yes, I felt the Olympic atmosphere, it is very different from all other competitions. Energy is the most powerful in the hall. Despite the fact that I have not competed at the Olympic Games, I prepared very responsibly for my exhibition program. There was a great desire to do well.

Q: In light of a very different demonstration, some skaters even from difficult jumps refuse to injury do not inadvertently get. You can easily adapt to this?
A: Yes, we have to get used to, but if you know how, you should be able to do your program in any situation. For me there is a big problem to act under the rays of the searchlight.

Q: Do you dream of doing somersaults on the ice like Surya Bonaly?
- No, it's very dangerous. I've never even done them on the floor, so what can we say about the ice.

Q: You also have a corporate member - fare in the "boat". How to come to this?
A: Needless to happen. In training, we tried to do different things, I made a boat, I thought it would be nice to look and during the competition. And if it turns out, why not try? It's always nice when you have its own chip, different from others.

Q: In Sochi the last time you saw Carolina Kostner in the competition. Now she returns. Do you think she will be able to return to previous levels?
A: I think she can - she is a great skater. I am impressed by her style as an athlete and she deserves deep respect. When I looked at her, I always wanted to skate like Carolina, because her skating skills are very beautiful.

Q: And in Europe will increase competition, which has been low in recent years.
A: So it's great when Russia takes first place.

Q: For us, it's something cool, but for Europeans - not very.
A: It is necessary to have them then ask (laughs). But seriously, I think that the world has always lived according to the schedule "recession-lifting." In women's figure skating in Russia is going well, God willing, that it stays that way as long as possible.

Q: Do you feel the that getting into the national team of Russia has become more difficult than winning a medal at the European Championships?
A: I do not know, for me personally, I am responsible for every competition and every hard for.

Q: Personally, do you need to participate in tournaments before the main season, or can you easily get started right away with a Grand Prix?
A: Here you need to look at what your form is like. Last year I planned to go to a competition before the stages of the Grand Prix series this season, but I was injured. In general, it is for me not too radically. It turned out that the first stage of the tournament will once Grand Prix - then so be it.

Q: And if you go to Tuktamysheva's schedule last year?
A: In terms of record for the number of tournaments? No, I do not like to compete every week - preferably smaller tournaments, but better quality for them to act.

Q: What is the typical day of Elena Radionova like?
A: A strict schedule--when you need to go to bed and when to get up--I don't have one. I have three hours on the ice per day, plus the choreography and PFD. Sunday is a day off. Teachers come to see me every day, because this year I will finish school and I need to pass the exam - Russian, mathematics and biology. I am trying to catch everything. And I do English for myself, to be able to communicate.

Q: How's your English?
A: I can speak, but not freely. I can shy, think that now is the wrong phrase build - the practice is not enough.

Q: During the World Cup you will get the practice - the most suitable place.
A: That's for sure. And be able to compete, and talk.

Overall, nothing really new. Some thoughts from me:
1) I have no idea what Lena is talking about when she is talking about her "boat." Maybe the angel costume?
2) It's cool that she's designing her own costumes! :agree:
3) I think it's cute that Inna tells her "go to work" or something when she sends her off to skate. Perhaps the fact that Lena thinks of skating as a "job" helps her be consistent. It's something she's supposed to do, not some hobby or something.
4) She gave a very diplomatic answer about why she was upset at Europeans. Yes, I think she does leave everything out on the ice, but I do think she was a bit frustrated too--and quite justifiably.
5) I thought it was funny that they asked the question about the "normal and adequate boy" but I knew Lena would say no! :laugh:
6) I'm glad to hear she has no plans to leave Inna!!

Anyone have any ideas for some new or unusual music for Lena to skate to?