Has Johnny already peaked? (COC/COR Spoilers) | Page 7 | Golden Skate

Has Johnny already peaked? (COC/COR Spoilers)


Match Penalty
Nov 20, 2007
I've been reading your posts. It is nice to hear some positive responses to what I had to say about Evan and that some of the things that I said were things that some of you didn't know and that you admire. However, it would wear me out to be on this forum for the purpose of defending Evan.

There are a few things I can add. Regarding Jr. Worlds, Griazev won because he had a quad and Evan did not. I do have seen a video of Evan's performance, but not Griazev's. Nancy Kerrigan's commentary said that she thought Evan should win the presentation marks. I don't know how that worked out because I didn't see the scores. Here comment was that Evan had as much flow going into jumps as coming out which was unusual for a Jr. level skater. She also said his interpretation of the music and expression was very mature. I am only reporting what was said.

I do not agree that Evan is over scored. At World's last season his PC scores were hugely underscored. He has worked on that and they have improved. I don't see anywhere that he is over scored.

Secondly, I cannot agree that Evan does not take pride in his sport. I don't even understand how that can be said! Evan loves the sport of figure skating and it is what his life is devoted to. He wishes to change the image of figure skating in order to appeal to a wider audience. He does not want figure skating to become an internet sport, which something I don't think any of us want. That is why he came up with the idea of the X games, because the men are doing extremely difficult tricks. His idea is to present figure skating in a different format than the standard competition to appeal to a different audience who may not necessarily ever watched figure skating at all. It is definitely not because he is not proud of his sport. It is for the exact opposite reason.

It is true that Evan is trying to promote the masculine side of the sport, in that the men are doing extremely difficult elements. He has said that most people think that figure skating is a "girlie sport." By that comment, he means that he is trying to gain more respect for the sport as a "real" sport. Let's face it, there a many people out there who do not think it is a sport because it is done to music and because of the costumes, etc. They aren't looking at the athleticism, or the difficulty, or the fact that is one of most difficult sports to participate in. Also, the fact is that is has been dominated by women and everyone who is just a causual fan usually will tell you that they prefer to watch the ladies. They hardly ever watch the men. That is what Evan is trying to change about the sport. Whether or not that can actually be done, who knows. Another issue is attendance at the shows. Management is becoming increasingly concerned that not only shows, but competitions, are predominantly gray haired people. So they are trying to make shows appeal to all age groups. Personally, I think ticket prices are so steep that younger people find it difficult to afford tickets, and especially families with young children.

It is not harsh words about Evan that bother me. It is the inaccuracy and false statements that are made. What I wish is that people would try to get to know more about him before harsh statements are made. My own personal practice is not to say harsh words about any skater because I believe they are all working hard, and I do not see how they deserve to be criticized by someone who sits in the stands or watches on TV. Everyone can and does have their personal favorites. But that can be done without trashing other skaters. I know how much work it takes because my own daughters were competitors, and only a small few make it to the elite ranks. That is why I do not care for these general forums. Too many negative comments are made about the skaters that I believe are uncalled for. I will stick to the Evan Lysacek Fan Forum where I can support the skater whom I like. We discuss other skaters too, but we don't trash anyone.


Record Breaker
Jun 27, 2003
However, it would wear me out to be on this forum for the purpose of defending Evan.

then come to discuss skating... really if you want to get a lot of the nay sayers to stop, you just don't feed into the frenzy... :)

sad to see you go, though...


Match Penalty
Mar 28, 2005
Regarding Jr. Worlds, Griazev won because he had a quad and Evan did not. I do have seen a video of Evan's performance, but not Griazev's.

This is incorrect. Griazev did not have a quad. Griazev won since he did a triple axel-triple toe which was slightly harder then Lysacek's triple lutz-triple toe, and both his triple axels were clean while Evan's second had a slight turn out. Griazev missed his triple flip, but Evan also got a deduction (or was supposed to according to the rules) by adding a double toe on the end of his last triple, the triple flip also, since it was his 4th combination and you arent allowed more then 3 according to the rules at the time.

I do not agree that Evan is over scored. At World's last season his PC scores were hugely underscored.

:rolleye: :rolleye: Skaters that actually are hugely underscored on PCS: Sawyer, Abbott, Lambiel, Takahashi. Lysacek, ummmm NOO!

I will stick to the Evan Lysacek Fan Forum

Ok that is where you are from, that explains everything. :laugh:
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On the Ice
Mar 14, 2005
I orignally got on this forum just to see what people were saying about JW after his one clean skate at CoC, and his defeating Evan Lysacek with a much less difficult program.

Johnny "won" the gold medal at CoC, followed by another gold medal at CoR. Can't even state the facts?

(Sorry, I guess that was a CoR spoiler).
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Match Penalty
Nov 20, 2007
Ummm.........what did I miss here? The above comments are discussing skating? I think not. Those comments are slinging mud.

I did make an error regarding the Jr. World competition. I forgot about the one where Evan added an extra combination. The other one I mentioned where the gold medal winner had a quad was an earlier one. I don't remember who he was. I would have to go back and check the video. Forgive me for commiting such a crime.

I still don't see where Evan has ever been overscored, but that matter would never be settled.

The comment about my coming from the "Evan Lysacek forum, which explains everything", followed by a laughing smilie is hitting below the belt. Slutskaya21, I have found you to be one of the most antogonizing, argumentative posters on this forum. You say you are not a fan of Johnny, but you have certainly made it plain that you hate and despise Evan Lysacek. Either that or you just like to be oppositional and rude.

Also, to tilak. What on earth are you talking about? I know Johnny won CoC and CoR? Where did I not state the facts?

No, I could not stay on this forum to discuss skating. I have done that before on another forum and, as I said, I grew very tired of the negativity. Someone was always hating some skater, and that I cannot tolerate.

I also freely admit that I am an avid fan of Evan Lysacek and I cannot bare to see him picked to pieces, nor do I want to subject myself to the kind of comment made above by Slutskaya21. I have a very good reason for feeling the way that I do. First of all, I do think it is very rude, because it is not only attacking the figure skater, but it is attacking me personally, and I did not think that was permitted on this forum. But, apparently, it is.

I have previously posted that I first noticed Evan during the 2005 Worlds with his Singin in the Rain program. I thought that he was a young skater who looked very fresh and talented who was worth watching. I liked his height because it enabled him to create very creative dancy moves to the music. The following year, 2006, at Nationals, I watched him skate his exhibition to Time to Say Goodbye and something magical happened. Nothing like this had ever happened to me before when watching any other skater. In watching that performance it was as if Evan reached right through the TV and literally touched my heart, and I have not been the same person since.

Now that may sound unbalanced and over the top, but for me it isn't. I have fibromyalgia, a central nervous system disorder, that is a chronic pain condition that affects your muscular-skeletal system, along with persistent fatigue, and a myriad of other peculiar cognitive disorders that the medical community cannot explain. The cause of this illness is of yet unknown and there is no cure. It is something I will live with for the rest of my life. I was diagnosed with this illness 9 years ago, although it had been developing for many years before that but the drs. could not identify it until it became full blown. The worst of it is that it caused me to have to leave my job as a high school teacher in mid-year. I am a people person and I suddenly found myself home alone, day after day, with no job and no people around me, and I was in constant, excruciating pain to the point that I actually contemplated suicide. It took three months before I began to receive any kind of adequate treatment to relieve the pain and longer than that before other treatment began. This illness totally robs you of your life as you had known it, and you have to learn how to live all over again. That is no easy task. You become depressed and anxious because of your situation, because of having to deal with pain day after day, because you never know what you are going to have to deal with, because it almost impossible to make plans. It was a living hell. The saying goes that the good news is that fibromyalgia is not fatal; the bad news is that fibromyalgia is not fatal.

Some of you may have the illness yourelf, or know someone who does. If so, some may be worse than I am, and some may not be as bad. There are varying degrees of disability. I was diagnosed with one of the worst cases presented. It has taken me many. many years to come to terms with this illness and build a new life for myself. I refuse to live as a negative person and I absolutely refuse to surround myself with or expose myself to negativity. It is very, very bad for my health, and for anybody's health. Therefore, I cannot remain on this forum.

Addditionally, when Evan touched my heart with his skating, he brought something very positive into my life that has brought me a lot of happiness and enjoyment. That kind of positivity has helped to make me a healthier person. It has helped to make me a happier person. It is very hard for an extravert to become accustomed to living a life of mostly solitude, plus, I do not get out very much because I can no longer drive because of vertigo, dizziness, and directional disorientation. I would be a hazard to myself and others.

It makes me very happy to follow Evan's career. I happen to know a lot about it. I have made some very good online friends through ELFF (Evan's forum). One friend I have made has enabled me to be able to travel to Skate America, and we are also attending Nationals. Now you wonder how I can do that with this illness. Well, it isn't easy, but I can't stop living, and with someone with me, I can manage for a few days. While I am there I will have to take strong pain medication and muscle relaxers. When I get home it will probably take me at least two weeks to recover, but it will have been worth it.

Evan has brought so much to my life. I admire his determination and courage. When I see his determination, it enables me to be more determined in my struggles. He is such a fine young man. I have a son a few years older than Evan who is also very exceptional, but in a different way. I am very, very proud of him. Unfortunately, I live on the east coast and he lives on the west coast, so I do not get to see him very often, although we talk on the phone quite often. I think of Evan's mother and how she doesn't get to see her son very often either, and how much pride she must have in him. So I guess in some way Evan brings out some of the mother instinct in me.

All of this may sound crazy to most of you, but to me it isn't. My admiration of Evan, following his career, and the pleasure I get from watching him skate has made my life better. Of course he doesn't know this, but I will be forever grateful for the happy and inspired moments he has given me through his skating.

So that is why I cannot sit back and read the negative and sometimes down right mean spirited posts that I think are totally unnecessary, and that I would not say about any skater. I do not know what the intention was of the sarcastic comment made by Slutskaya21 regarding my belonging to the Evan Lysacek Fan Forum. But what ever it was, it was totally uncalled for, and I will not stoop to such a level. I don't care who SL21's favorite skaters are, nor do I care whether or not he/she likes or dislikes Evan, but I do take exception to being personally attacked. As far as I am concerned that is an indication of the character of this forum, and I do not wish to participate.

Now I think you know more than enough about me, my being this strange character of an Evan fan who dared to tread through the mire of this forum. I have stated what it is that I like and admire about Evan, and why I am such an avid and loyal fan. Now I think you know all that you need to know, and also why I cannot stick around here. I have stayed too long already.

I think the reason some of you want me to stay is because the things I do write about make sense are not based on generalizations and exaggerations. I also do know a fair amount about the sport. Having been a teacher, I know that I am a good writer. For all these reasons, I thank you and appreciate your offer to stay, but I think you now see why I cannot. Ciao


On the Ice
Mar 14, 2005
Sincere best wishes to you, OldSkaterMom, a fellow figure skating fan. This is way too late for me :scratch:.
Jun 21, 2003
I am glad that your interest in figure skating and in following Evan's career has had a positive impact on your life. You sound like a courageous person.

(Don't pay any attention to Slutskayafan -- he just likes to bombard us with his opinions on every skater, LOL.)


Oct 20, 2006
OldSkaterMom, thank you very much for taking your time to write. I am sorry to hear about your illness. I have found that slutskayafan21 might be over critical but he has many valuable information and views. Go back to Evan Lysacek forums if you wish. I will miss the poster like you (Not that I found your views about Evan make sense, actually. But I respect your views.)

Please remember that Evan Lysacek forum contains only a tiny crowd compare with these general forums. Of course, if you cannot listen to any opposite side opinions, it's better not to stay.

Wish you all the best!
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Match Penalty
Nov 20, 2007
Thank you for your kind remarks. I am well aware of the nature of the Evan forum. That is why I joined it and have been a member for two years. I have been a member of a general forum before and got disgusted with it. It is not because I cannot listen to others opinions. I must have stated it about ten times now. I cannot stand the bashing and trashing of any figure skater, I don't care who the figure skater is. To me that is not an opinion, it is just plain mean.

Now please, everyone, forget about me and Evan and go back to your original topic, "Has Johnny already peaked?"


Final Flight
Aug 23, 2003
These Evan vs. Johnny debates get intense! IMO, Johnny won't beat Evan at Natinals unless he gest the quad. He has burned bridges and has to repave them.


Record Breaker
Jun 27, 2003
If he has the international backing he might be ok

I still say who ever is cleanest (with the biggest tricks) they'll win...

Evan's track record is good, but it's not helped him this season thus far internationally.


Match Penalty
Mar 28, 2005
Evan's track record is good, but it's not helped him this season thus far internationally.

I am confused what you mean by that. Evan has done well this year for what he is expected to. He was 2nd at both his events, he wasnt favored to win either of them. The only surprise was he lost to Weir and beat a badly off form Lambiel at Cup of China, wereas most would have had him losing to Lambiel and beating Weir. At Skate America he was 2nd to Takahashi, just like he was supposed to be. So results wise he has done exactly as expected. He has been 2nd at 5 of his last 6 GP events, and the only one he won was Cup of China last year were there was nobody there.


Mar 12, 2007
Should we start an Evan thread for this discussion? I keep coming back when I see this thread has new posts, hoping to read thoughts on Johnny, and finding some incredibly, incredibly, amazingly, stunningly l-o-o-o-n-n-g posts about Evan. Discussion is great, but hasn't this strayed quite far from the original question?

Maybe an "Why I love Evan" thread?

Thanks so much.



Record Breaker
Jun 27, 2003
jump in and talk about Johnny! :lol: I've tried to bring it back to Johnny but I don't apparently know enough about his season to get it revved up!


Ice Is Slippery - Alexie Yagudin
Record Breaker
Jul 28, 2003
These Evan vs. Johnny debates get intense! IMO, Johnny won't beat Evan at Natinals unless he gest the quad.
Johnny can beat Evan if Evan misses the quad.



On the Ice
Jul 10, 2006
I predict we will see the quad from Johnny at Nationals and Worlds and unless someone has a complete meltdown, there will be less then five points between gold and silver at Nationals.


On the Ice
Mar 14, 2005
If they were scored correctly Johnny wouldnt even need Evan to miss the quad if he went clean quadless.


And from the earlier post:
"Johnny won't beat Evan at Natinals unless he gest the quad. He has burned bridges and has to repave them."

What does that mean? Because Evan is favored and Johnny isn't, so Evan has the advantage even before they skate.
I would love to see Johnny and Evan get scored fairly. No overscoring or underscoring. One can only hope.