Has Johnny already peaked? (COC/COR Spoilers) | Page 6 | Golden Skate

Has Johnny already peaked? (COC/COR Spoilers)


Custom Title
Mar 1, 2004
But Evan thing is usually discussed in Johnny's threads, not just on this board. I don't know why.

I would think it difficult to discuss Johnny without also bringing in his s rivals -- and how he may stack up against those rivals. It is sort of like trying to discuss Witt without brining in Summers and/or Thomas, or discussing Boitano without mentioning Orser.


Match Penalty
Nov 20, 2007
I wasn't going to bother posting any more , but since a direct question was asked, I will gladly answer it. Evan spent a great deal of time during the COI tour appearing at local skating rinks with Tanith to promote figure skating programs for young people. They appeared to promote and support two special programs for youth in New York and one in Colorado. There was another promotional piece done that was called "Three Generation on Ice," where Evan visited a rink where there was a young man who was training as a competitor and also coaching, and one of his students, a three year old, Joey. Evan and the younger man discussed skating and did some demonstrations, then Evan skated with little Joey. It happens to be one of his interests to be a role model for young people and to promote their interest in skating.

As to his preference in costumes, that is simply his personal style. I believe the simplicity of the costumes appear very elegant. Nancy Kerrigan was quoting as saying so also. He isn't trying to prove anything. He has just said he would not skate in a costume covered with all kinds of glitz. Personally, I believe some of the costumes the men skate in are way over the top and look totally ridiculous. An elegant, simplistic style always looks best and highlights a skater's performance. And in case you didn't notice, Evan is very masculine with a lot of sex appeal that doesn't go unnoticed by the ladies. Same with Brian Joubert. Only difference is that Evan doesn't walk around backstage with his shirt off.

I have no idea how this thread turned into an Evan/Johnny face off either. But I again will say that I do not think the sarcasm directed toward the things that I have said about Evan as an Evan fan are necessary. As an Evan fan never once have I made a sarcastic comment about Johnny Weir. All I have said is that both are great skaters, but with different styles. I happen to prefer Evan's style. For that I feel that you all want to tar and feather me. Well, personally I could care less.

If it takes guts to speak up for Evan on one of these forums, then I am glad I had the guts. Also, I can say that before and after the holidays Evan will be trained, trained, trained, and trained. Evan treats skating as his job. It is what he does and nothing gets in the way of it. As he himself has put it, "there is no luck in figure skating, either you are trained or you are not."

I get the feeling that some of the criticism and sarcasm about Evan comes from not having paid enough attention to him and not gotten to know him very well. And could people please refrain from making generalizations and exaggerations.

Also, Evan is expecting to compete in 4CC this season. He did it last year and won, and landed the 4t/3t combo in his FS.

One final comment about these kind of forums. It seems to me that no matter what thread you are posting on, somebody dislikes everybody and finds something to pick on. How about recognizing what it takes to compete in this sport. And how about asking yourself before you start slinging mud at a skater, if you could accomplish what that skater has accomplished, or would you even be willing to try.


Record Breaker
Jun 27, 2003
anyway back on topic - has Johnny Peaked... no - even after two events I think he's right on track... he needs the confidence builders gearing up to nationals

had he bombed the GP I think he'd have a very hard go at Nationals just by having to fight himself...

I'll be excited to see after the GPF what he ends up bringing to the table in January. Is he going to up the ante like so many are predicting?


Oct 20, 2006
I wasn't going to bother posting any more , ......

Oh, Why?! I, for one, love to read the opposite opinions. I really like to know what a real Evan fan has to say. Not many Evan fans have the guts of Evan's, I have to say. Please don't stop posting! You are entitled your opinions. Whether it is in a right thread or not is another thing.


On the Ice
Nov 6, 2006
I'll be excited to see after the GPF what he ends up bringing to the table in January. Is he going to up the ante like so many are predicting?

I would have bet the farm he would try the quad in Moscow. He has to do it sometime, and he is so well liked in Russia ... But obviously I'm not much good at mind reading!

I think he'd do well to put in the quad at the GPF rather than leaving it for Nationals. Either way, though, I'm sure there's a rhyme and reason for the choice. It's clear that he and Galina Zmievskaya have a plan. I might not understand all the details, but I can't complain about the results.



Final Flight
Dec 13, 2003

Also, Evan is expecting to compete in 4CC this season. He did it last year and won, and landed the 4t/3t combo in his FS.QUOTE]

Thanks for the reminder, OSM; I did not remember that he competed there, and won, when I posted (sorry lol I should have checked). The 4CC is closer to Worlds, than are Euros. Accordingly, I have noticed over the years, that most of the U.S. participants in 4 CC are not the top national contenders. Usually, the almost-top group go to 4 CC, and gain international competitive experience. That is what I had in mind when I posted, because I do regard Evan as one of the top U.S. contenders at Worlds, of course, although I am a Johnny fan. I just checked on the ISU calendar; 4 CC 2008 will take place about 3/4 month before Worlds; Euros 2008 will take place about a month before Worlds. I wish 4CC and Euros could occur simultaneously, to level the playing field. Oh well.

Please do not fear to express your support of Evan here!

Edited to add a period lol.


Match Penalty
Nov 20, 2007
Just so it can't be blamed on me.....a real Evan fan.....I went back and looked. Evan entered the discussion in post #20, then the discussion got revved up in post #29 regarding the statement that it wouldn't phase Evan one bit what Johnny had or didn't have to put out in competition........it followed from there.

Interesting that you want to here what a "real" Evan fan has to say, and that real Evan fans don't have the guts that Evan has. I belong to an Evan forum and the opinion there is that they don't want to be involved with all the negativity that goes on in these general forums. Also, they, as well as I, don't understand all the negativity Evan gets.

I orignally got on this forum just to see what people were saying about JW after his one clean skate at CoC, and his defeating Evan Lysacek with a much less difficult program.

If you really want to know what a real Evan fan has to say, I have just about said it all except for a few other things. You are right to say that it is hard not to talk about Johnny with Evan getting mixed in and vice versa. They have been rivals since they were very young, at least back to 2000 at Jr. Worlds. Evan won silver at Jr Worlds, and Johnny the gold. However, I believe that was a good thing for Evan because it kept him in the Junior ranks longer. He continued to compete in Jr. Worlds and the JGP for a few more years until he aged out. His last year he won all of his JGP assignments as well as the JGF. Additionally, Evan won back-to-back Novice and Junior National Championships, something that hasn't been done very often in the record books. So Evan was competing Sr. Nationals and Jr. Worlds and Grand Prix at the same time, which gave him a lot of valuable International experience. His first time out at a Senior Grandprix event he took 5th place, but ever since he has won a bronze, all silvers, and one gold. He won 4CC twice, and the Marshalls Challenge at the end of the season in 2005, as well as the bronze medal his first time at Worlds. It is a rather impressive record.

Evan has been skating clean programs for years and years. The stress fracture in his hip in 2004-2005 caused trouble with his 3A, and he now has chronic bursistis in his hip which has to be watched. I think it is a real shame that Johnny's goal right now is to skate clean programs. But considering his lack of training and discipline and other distractions the past two years, it is like starting all over for him. I, like the rest of Johnny fans, I have sat and been concerned that Johnny would wind up a wasted talent. I was constantly having flashbacks to Christopher Bowman, another "older generation" skater who had the potential to be fabulous, but was too interested in goofing off and literally blew it all away. Of course Christopher got involved with drugs, which Johnny has not, but he certainly had picked up a great deal of distractions and was doing things an elite athlete whose eye was on being a champion should not have been doing.

So Johnny woke up, but there is still a lot of speculation if it is too little, too late. Only time will answer that question. Evan, on the other hand, has been constantly and continually working to up the difficulty of his programs. This year both programs are loaded with difficulty, and what has been seen so far at SA and CoC isn't near what the programs are meant to be. Evan's goal is not to skate clean programs, but to peak at Nationals and onto 4CC and Worlds. Evan is not concerned with piling up gold medals not, but is looking to the future. The statement made earlier by a poster, that eventually Evan will have the quad jumps secure and be comfortable doing them is exactly the strategy Evan and his coach are aiming for. This strategy has been backed him by a number of former skaters and commentators, Paul Wylie, Dick Button, and Yuko Sato,to name a few.

Evan is a work horse, totally driven and dedicated so much that his coach has to kick him off the ice. Frank Carroll does not have to make Evan do anything. It is just the opposite. He has to make Evan stop, his training is that intense. Evan gives his training and every performance.....I think someone said 200%.

This is what I admire about Evan. I like the intensity of his skating. It is full of drama, passion, intense energy. I don't know how many times I have said I would give anythng to see the last 30 second of Carmen live. Well, Tosca leaves Carmen in the dust. Seeing it at Skate America, it makes your heart drop to the floor, it is skated with so much passion, drama, and intensity. He had everyone out of their seats cheering, clapping, and roaring before he was even finished. That is the kind of skating I prefer; skating that excites you, electrifies, that reaches down inside and grabs your heart. That is also the way Michelle Kwan skated. Evan never flags out, never gets flustered. He has bunged up some short programs of late, but that just seems to fire him up for the long. He really is a man on a mission. I have videos of Evan clear back to 2000 and I enjoy watching Evan's progression and development as a skater. His height could be a real liability, but he has learned how to make it an asset. It is true that Johnny has gorgeous ride-outs on his jumps, but so does Evan, if you pay attention and watch him. So many other skaters have very little and it makes it look as if they haven't even finished the jump.

I admire Evan's danceability on the ice. He has great versatility in his skating and his long limbs enable him to accentuate his moves with great elegance. He says he is not a classical skater, but if you watch his Tosca program, as well as Carmen, and now his exhibition program to a vocal of Tosca, classical is what really brings out his elegant style. That said, Evan's costumes are, to quote Sandra Bezic during the Olympics, "bang on." I don't think anyone can fault Evan's costume for Tosca. It is absolutely perfect. Simple and elegant. Add to it his long legs, dark hair, open neckline, California tan, and not only is he a great skater, but he is one knockout on the ice as well.

I also admire Evan's off ice demeanor. He is well-spoken and knows how to handle himself with the press. He did many, many interviews and appearances during the COI tour this past season. He does make a very good spokesman and role model for USFS. It is also something he very much wants to do. He is hard-working, dedicated, enjoys what he is doing, wants to include the audience in his performance.....which I much prefer than a skater who isolates himself. He is polite, respectful, very accomodating to his fans. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to spend a considerable amount of time talking with him after the men's exhibition practice at Skate America. There were only a few of us at one side of the arena. He came over and chatted with us, signed everything there could be to sign, took pictures, laughed and joked, and the high point was having his picture taken with a little girl who was so small her head didn't even reach the top of the boards. Evan leaned clear over the side of the boards to get in the picture with her. He is wonderful with children.

Evan also takes the time to personally answer all of his emails, and they are not generic emails. I have received a number of resonses to my emails. One email I sent happened to be the day he was answering email, and I got a reply that afternoon. They are not generic because he refers to things you have said in the email and even asks questions. He is just so extremely nice, pleasant, and a person one can really admire. I have often said that I wished I could write a letter to his parents telling them what a fine son they have raised and they should be very proud of him.

Besides the quality of Evan's skating, which really caught my eye with his 2005 World's performance of Singin in the Rain, I suppose another big reason I like Evan so much and am pleased to say I am a devoted fan is that when I watch Evan compete, skate in a show, or whatever, he just makes me so proud of him. I have never felt this way about any other skater. He makes me want to throw all my support behind him because I see him as a genuine honest person with a lot of integrity with a real love for what he is doing and trying to achieve.

I see Evan being able to follow proudly in the footsteps of other America greats, such as Scott Hamiton, Paul Wylie, and Brian Boitano, and the Canadian Kurt Browning. Evan has said that when his skating career is over he wants the sport to be better because of his participation in it. That is what I think the attitude of a champion should be.

So that is what a real Evan fan has to say, and I don't think it took any guts to say it. It is my opinion and the way I genuinely feel. Notice I did not have to tear any other figure skater apart in order to say it. So, I would appreciate everyone respecting my opinions and not tearing apart what I had to say. Perhaps that is why there are not many Evan fans on these forums. And I, for one, will never be back. I simply cannot stand the negativity. I have tried it before and I don't want to do it again. I have better things to do with my time......Goodbye.
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Final Flight
Dec 13, 2003
Well, OldSkaterMom, I had meant "do not fear to express your support" in this forum, not specifically in this thread, but what the heck! I am glad you did, because you had a lot to say that is clearly heartfelt, and I think that Evan is very lucky to have you as his fan!

I am sorry that you feel your experience here (i.e., in this forum) has been negative; frankly, I have not yet had time to read all of this thread, and I gather that it became quite argumentative, but that is inevitable at times in a general skating discussion forum. To me, this particular general forum seems far more civilized than most, as well as having many technically and historically knowledgeable posters, which I find valuable.

I am glad you took the chance to express everything you like, appreciate, and admire, about the skater whose fan you are. That's what being a fan is all about, isn't it? It would be boring if all the people in the world only liked one skater lol.

I do not claim that Johnny is perfect; I only claim that I love the way he can skate, which to me, is just so beautiful, medals or no medals. Since he does want to win now, I hope he does. If he has indeed "peaked" already, and goes down from his present level of competition, I shall be sad for him, as I was before. If he achieves his ends, I shall be full of joy for him. Come what may, I shall never forget him; how I love fine edges, fluidity, and the achievement of precision! To me, Johnny is capable of exhibiting the perfect balance of athleticism and art, something very, very few figure skaters can do, especially in the era of CoP. :love:


Match Penalty
Nov 20, 2007
Thank you very much for respecting my opinion and support for Evan, as I do yours for Johnny. I couldn't agree with you more that Johnny is a beautiful skater. He just doesn't move me to support him as Evan does. But I would never deny that he is a wonderful talented skater. I think it is good for the US to have two such great skaters.

I would still like to know, however, why Evan takes such hard hits on these forums.

Now you can get back to your topic.


Record Breaker
Jun 27, 2003
I would still like to know, however, why Evan takes such hard hits on these forums.


Because it's not just about Evan... there are a lot of his rivals fans on here... and they're just as supportive of their skaters...

Evan's media portrayal turns a lot of people off, while he may or may not have any control on how he's percieved by said media he certainly isn't trying to change it either.

Which I don't think he should have to. I, for one, don't mind who he is, how he conducts himself, or what the 'other side' has to say. I'm just as critical of Johnny's PR as a lot are on Evan. It's just personal preference.

I think a 'real fan' (what defines a real fan anyway?) that wants to come on any general skating board has to be willing and ready to not only defend their opinion, but be willing to just let a lot of the 'negativity' slide... people are going to be critical.

Evan's not God's gift to skating any more than any other skater is. He's a fierce competitor who doesn't look half bad out there. There are smoother skaters, there are 'better basic' skaters. That doesn't mean he's the worst thing out there. He's a great skater in his own right. Some people just don't like his style.

To each their own (and that just means we don't have to share with everyone ;))

decker said:
I think he'd do well to put in the quad at the GPF rather than leaving it for Nationals. Either way, though, I'm sure there's a rhyme and reason for the choice. It's clear that he and Galina Zmievskaya have a plan. I might not understand all the details, but I can't complain about the results.

Yeah, he should test out that quad in competition before nationals, but either way he should at least try it... what does he really have to lose?


Oct 20, 2006
Evan also takes the time to personally answer all of his emails, and they are not generic emails. I have received a number of resonses to my emails. One email I sent happened to be the day he was answering email, and I got a reply that afternoon. They are not generic because he refers to things you have said in the email and even asks questions.

I never knew about this. You see, that is one of the reasons that you should come out and defend what you believe. Evan needs the people like you in the general forums.:)

I think a 'real fan' (what defines a real fan anyway?) ......

A firm, true believer who will not give up, change mind, or switch side easily.:biggrin:
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Record Breaker
Jun 27, 2003
I never knew about this. You see, that is one of the reasons that you should come out and defend what you believe. Evan needs the people like you in the general forums.:)

he had a short email correspondance with my brother after the olympics last year. Duane felt really bad for Evan after the short and sent him a really encouraging email that was really heartfelt and apparently it touched Evan because he replied in kind... and they emailed back and forth for a couple of weeks. It was really cool.

My mom was really impressed and she loves Evan now lol a lot of skater acknowledge their fans like that... it's good to see :)


Oct 20, 2006
he had a short email correspondance with my brother after the olympics last year. Duane felt really bad for Evan after the short and sent him a really encouraging email that was really heartfelt and apparently it touched Evan because he replied in kind... and they emailed back and forth for a couple of weeks. It was really cool.

My mom was really impressed and she loves Evan now lol a lot of skater acknowledge their fans like that... it's good to see :)

How nice of Evan! I don't like his skating, but it's good to know he is so nice to his fans. Many know how good Johnny has been to his, but don't know about Evan. Thanks, Tonie!
Jun 21, 2003
I simply cannot stand the negativity....Goodbye.
Don't go! Different strokes for different folks. My favorite is Vakhtang Murvanidze.:rock:

Some fool on the Internet doesn't like him? So what?

Here is my Evan Moment.

It was a cheesefest in 2004. The contestants were Lysacek, Weiss, Joubert, Weir, Griazev, and Plushenko. OK, Plushenko was there, so the contest was for silver. Evan was brand new on the circuit then, so we all figured he would be battling it out with Griazev for last place.

But wait. Evan skates first. He totally nails everything, triple Axel, triple-triple, WOW presentation, great scores. But will they hold up?

So here goes Michael Weiss. Good performance, but...Evan's still ahead!

Now Joubert. Not bad, he hit a lot of jumps, but...Evan's still in the lead!!

Weir. Nice perfromance. But...Yes! It's still Evan!!!

Griazev. The audience is on pins and needles. Sergei did OK. You never know what the judges will do...Evan gets silver!!!!

Plushenko, skating last, won, of course, but EVAN WAS THE MAN!

(I am the only person on Golden Skate who can get more excited about a cheesefest than a World Championship. :) )


Final Flight
Dec 13, 2003
Don't go! Different strokes for different folks. My favorite is Vakhtang Murvanidze.:rock:

Griazev. The audience is on pins and needles. Sergei did OK. You never know what the judges will do...Evan gets silver!!!!)

Um, Mathman, Griazev is Andrei, not Sergei. Dobrin is Sergei. :eek:

I hate to cavil, but I know a poster who might skin us all alive, if it were not corrected; she is a *huge* Griazev fan. I like Andrei, too. :)
Love your post, though ;)
Jun 21, 2003
I hate to cavil, but I know a poster who might skin us all alive, if it were not corrected; she is a *huge* Griazev fan.
Oh no, how could I have made such a mistake! Andrei Griazev, the 2004 World Junior Champion (I can't remember who was second).

But then again, what goes around, comes around. Didn't Andrei used to date Tanith Belbin?

Oh no, wait, that was Fedor Andreev. :p


Match Penalty
Mar 28, 2005
Oh no, how could I have made such a mistake! Andrei Griazev, the 2004 World Junior Champion (I can't remember who was second).

No other then Evan Lysacek was 2nd behind Griazev that year. A huge achievement for Griazev to beat Evan at the World Junior Championships, since as outrageously overscored Evan is as a senior he was about twice as overscored as a junior to what he is as a senior (I know that is hard to believe, but trust me I am not kidding).

Vodka Shot

On the Ice
Oct 2, 2006
I would still like to know, however, why Evan takes such hard hits on these forums.
I'm a huge Johnny fan and I know I'm biased. However, there are several reasons why I don't like his skating that have nothing to do with Johnny. I feel his skating is very generic. He picks over used music and I never feel that his choreography is very unique. I don't think he skates outside the box, but skates programs that he feels will most likely guarantee him a win, in other words I think he's too much athlete and not enough artist. Everything from his music choices to choreography to costume scream safe and generic to me. I also really dislike his jump technique, particularly his 3A. I think his jumps look over-forced. And although I don't feel it's his fault I feel that his scores are often inflated. I know it's not his fault, but I also think his height makes him look slightly awkward on the ice.

Personality wise, I didn't care for some of his comments. Sometimes I get the sense that he feels ashamed of his own sport or that his insistence to promote masculinity into it shows that he's not completely comfortable himself being a male figure skater. That does bother me, I think he should take more pride in his sport. However, I do really like his idea of there being some kind of extreme sport type of discipline in ice skating. I just feel it should be separate from traditional figure skating.

There are things I like about his skating: I like that he's fast. I also think his spins are quite good. I also like that he never craps out, what I mean by that is he always gives it 100%. Last season I felt that Johnny could care less. I never feel that with Evan. Things I like about his demeanor are his drive, I've read how much and how hard he trains, and I think he's good to his fans. I have noticed the personal emails to his fans. Johnny's also very interactive with his fans and I think it's good for Evan to be as well. The rivalry is good for the sport and as long as fans treat each other with respect it can be fun for us too. I think it mostly comes down to personal likes. I personally don't like Evan's theatrical programs with heavy dramatic music, I prefer the more subdued balletic styles of Johnny, but it doesn't mean I don't respect Evan as the top class athlete he is, I just don't consider him the artist Johnny is.

I also don't think Johnny's perfect. I could write an essay on all the things that both his persona and skating irritate about me. Even though I prefer Johnny's skating If I had to choose one to be locked in a room with for a week it would be Evan a million times over. I think he'd be a lot less obnoxious and be much more likely to Macgyver us a way out of the locked room.


Record Breaker
Jun 27, 2003
I also don't think Johnny's perfect. I could write an essay on all the things that both his persona and skating irritate about me. Even though I prefer Johnny's skating If I had to choose one to be locked in a room with for a week it would be Evan a million times over. I think he'd be a lot less obnoxious and be much more likely to Macgyver us a way out of the locked room.

That's how I am with a lot of my favorites - I love them but realize they have faults... there are programs or things they say that I wish they'd not done/said... but in the end I still love watching them and cheering for them...

what you have to remember as an uber fan of any skater (and I've learned this the hard way and I don't always follow my own advice and I realize that) is that you cannot take harsh words about your skater personally. You do that and that's how your feelings get hurt.