He appears from what I've read to want to be the next Yuzuru Hanyu: huge achievements, iconic status, critical acclaim, financial rewards and popular adulation. But Nathan got all of what you mentioned, and more, pretty much everything the sport had to offer. The Eteri soap opera girls got even more of it, albeit on a revolving door basis. The rules then made it possible and no skin off their noses for it, but what good did it do the ISU and the majority of skaters in general at the end? (In the US at least, pretty much squat....)Every now and then, the board has a struggle session about the declining popularity of the sport. And now we have a guy that has us on the edge of our seats, his shows seem to be well-attended, he's getting press outside of our usual collection of bloggers and niche reporters, he's bringing attention and new fans... and our first move is to put a lid on his strengths?
The changes are not supposed to benefit - or unduly penalise - any one skater, no matter who thinks he or she deserves extra love from officialdom. When previous changes have been made (the decrease in the FS length, for instance), the skaters at the time may have grumbled, but then simply girded loins and made the best of it. So can the current crop (who, to be fair, will almost certainly not complain nearly as much as their fans will , they'll be too busy making their shots at gold from ISU straw.)
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