Mr. Sulu wants to move Sochi Olympics to Vancouver | Golden Skate

Mr. Sulu wants to move Sochi Olympics to Vancouver

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Jan 15, 2012
George Takei or better known as Mr. Sulu on the original Star Trek has started a petition to get the Sochi Olympics moved to Vancouver so we can host the games instead of Russia. I don't think it will fly as there is not enough time for Vancouver to prepare. It would be quite the undertaking if it happens.

Has the Canadian government agreed to the moving the game to Vancouver?


Sep 22, 2010
Has the Canadian government agreed to the moving the game to Vancouver?

It's not the Canadian government's decision to move the Olympic games. :laugh:

This petition will never get off the ground. Not only is it impractical, given the time constraints, it also won't get any political support.


Jan 15, 2012
It's not the Canadian government's decision to move the Olympic games. :laugh:

This petition will never get off the ground. Not only is it impractical, given the time constraints, it also won't get any political support.

OK, I will rephrase my question. Has the Canadian government agreed to host the Olympics in the event IOC decided to move it?:biggrin:


Match Penalty
Nov 20, 2011
and I thought fry was an idiot, this one is a moron :laugh:

I suggest Mr. Takei sip on some tea and get a grip, at age 70 something he cant afford to get sick at all but Im sure if the Canadian governemnt had more political power they wouldnt mind more medals for them and to lock V/M , Chan Fraud for gold and silver medal to stiffboard duhamel/robot radford and maybe bronze for Osmond


Record Breaker
Jan 15, 2010
and I thought fry was an idiot, this one is a moron :laugh:

I suggest Mr. Takei sip on some tea and get a grip, at age 70 something he cant afford to get sick at all but Im sure if the Canadian governemnt had more political power they wouldnt mind more medals for them and to lock V/M , Chan Fraud for gold and silver medal to stiffboard duhamel/robot radford and maybe bronze for Osmond

You'll take any chance you have to hate on Canada, won't you? Hot dang. Your last two predictions for V/M and Osmond at 2013 WC are still wrong, by the way. You're like one of those people who bash opposing political parties on articles about dogs saving kids from house fires.


OK, I will rephrase my question. Has the Canadian government agreed to host the Olympics in the event IOC decided to move it?:biggrin:

Moving Sochi Olympics to Vancouver not 'practical,' councillor says
A Vancouver city councillor says it’s not practical for Vancouver to host the upcoming Winter Olympics, despite a growing online petition calling for the Games to be moved out of Russia to protest the country’s anti-gay laws.

Coun. Geoff Meggs said welcoming the Olympics back to Vancouver would not be "like putting fresh sheets on the guest bed."

"I can understand the intention, but practically, I don't see how it could happen," he said Wednesday, noting Vancouver had seven years to plan the 2010 Games after they were awarded.

"I think lots of people in Vancouver would love to have the Games again, but it's a question of who would pay for it and how it could possibly be done, and I don't think we know the answer to either of those questions," he said.


Match Penalty
Nov 20, 2011
You'll take any chance you have to hate on Canada, won't you? Hot dang. Your last two predictions for V/M and Osmond at 2013 WC are still wrong, by the way. You're like one of those people who bash opposing political parties on articles about dogs saving kids from house fires.


so anyone against an article or someone
is a political opponent :disapp:

this guy wants nothing more than publicity
he is a moron who like Fry embarassed himself


Record Breaker
Jan 15, 2010
Anyway, I'd have to agree with Krislite. It doesn't seem like this petition is going to get off the ground.


so anyone against an article or someone
is a political opponent :disapp:

Nope, what I'm saying is that you seem to take the opportunity to complain about things that aren't even relevant to the topic. But whatever, my words are probably going to get twisted around again anyway. V/M didn't win gold at 2013 WC like you insisted and Kaetlyn didn't podium--also like you insisted.


Match Penalty
Nov 20, 2011
Sadly, I'd have to agree with Krislite. I don't think this petition is going to get off the ground.


Nope, what I'm saying is that you seem to take the opportunity to complain about things that aren't even relevant to the topic. But whatever, my words are probably going to get twisted around again anyway.

why was this here in the first place anyways ? :confused:
this should have been moved to the politics section then


On the Ice
Apr 18, 2012
and I thought fry was an idiot, this one is a moron :laugh:

I suggest Mr. Takei sip on some tea and get a grip, at age 70 something he cant afford to get sick at all but Im sure if the Canadian governemnt had more political power they wouldnt mind more medals for them and to lock V/M , Chan Fraud for gold and silver medal to stiffboard duhamel/robot radford and maybe bronze for Osmond

You were doing well until your second paragraph.


Final Flight
Feb 27, 2012
At least, you've gotten this correct.:biggrin:
Its about the only thing sky fly got correct. To call Radford a robot is just funny. He is one of the most elegant pairs skaters. Meghan can sometimes be robotic but not Eric!


Record Breaker
Nov 13, 2012
I do think it's rather funny how some people seem to think that it's just to up and plonk the Olympics wherever - I certainly have no expert knowledge on the matter, but mere common sense could tell anyone that arranging the Olympics is a HUGE undertaking, and not something to be... whipped up in a matter of months!


in Emergency Backup Mode
Record Breaker
Jan 1, 2013
As soon as I heard this I thought "what a load of rubbish - that's just some Canadian grandstanding for more Canadian glory/tourism/whatever and nothing to do with the actual issue".

I still reckon I'm right.


I remember when it became apparent that Athens was having major problems and wasn't going to be ready for the Olympics in 2004. There was a bit of chatter then about going back to Sydney, since we'd had the games last and had done it so well. But that was well in advance, not six months out, and even so I doubt we could have done it. For one thing, the athletes' village had been sold off as real estate.


On the Ice
Apr 22, 2010
George Takei is an American. The Canadians in power are saying "no", there isn't enough time or money to host the Olympics again.

Violet Bliss

Record Breaker
Nov 19, 2010
I believe Mr. Takei is just taking a stand and raising awareness of the issue. Canada probably represents a more accepting nation/society to him.


Match Penalty
Nov 20, 2011
I believe Mr. Takei is just taking a stand and raising awareness of the issue. Canada probably represents a more accepting nation/society to him.

then he should move there,
not blabber continuously like a rabid moron who doesn't know anything about the Olympics time, cost and hosting a venue
neither is he an athlete, already the governments and athletes themselves are against the boycott

Fry and Takei are examples of selenity gone overboard


Final Flight
Nov 13, 2012
I do not think his goal is to move the Olympics. I think it is simply to raise awareness.


Record Breaker
Nov 13, 2012
I do not think his goal is to move the Olympics. I think it is simply to raise awareness.

By saying that they should move the Olympics? So what you're saying is that he doesn't really mean what he's saying?
Jun 21, 2003
^ I am sure that Takei realizes the impracticality of moving the Olympics. His goal is to put a spotlight on gay rights issues and to get people talking.

Hey, it worked! Here we are talking about it. ;)
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