Short Dance Cup of China | Page 2 | Golden Skate

Short Dance Cup of China


Record Breaker
Oct 3, 2003
I'm here, after taking a 7-month hiatus from figure skating and the boards, but Emily & Evan's break-up drew me back.

I was soooo hoping that the new pair team of Emily & Todd would prove miraculous, but now am in a 1,000+1 depressions after watching their SD. :(

Geeze, now I think they should've just waited until they were ready. :(

Emily looks totally out of shape, I was hoping she would come back looking svelte and reading to rumble. Totally disappointed. :( Evan & his new partner are miles & miles ahead of Emily & Todd at this point, in everything. Though I have to concede the only thing Emily & Todd have other them is height, I LOVE the height difference between Em & Todd, whereas Evan looks like a giraffe next to his new partner. If only they had stayed together, but now I'm wondering if Evan wasn't right to leave Emily for somebody lighter...

Just so depressed. Here's hoping their Led Zeppelin "Stairway to Heaven" FD is a step in the right direction:

ETA: I would have had the other pair ahead of S&G. I liked their music and dance, even with the bobble by him. Whereas I would put Emily&Todd in last place. They have LOTS & LOTS of work to do (first being to srap their SD, costumes, et al). Emily needs a 200% makeover. Fight, Emily, fight, or just give up.
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Wicked Yankee Girl
Jul 26, 2003
Nadine, the music was so bad, it was hard to concentrate on Emily & Todd's skating. Good to see you back!

Mrs. P

Uno, Dos, twizzle!
Record Breaker
Dec 27, 2009
Is it me or does Ekaterina Bobrova seem kind of slouched down?

ETA: They were solid otherwise! The judges agree.
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Record Breaker
Jul 12, 2009
I said in the prediction thread it's not gonna be a catwalk for the Shibs. I was right


On the Ice
Oct 28, 2011
Wow for the Brits, I hope they keep their medal position!

Bobrova's posture did bother me but according to the Eurosport commentators they had more speed and a bigger pattern than the Shibutanis.

Mrs. P

Uno, Dos, twizzle!
Record Breaker
Dec 27, 2009
I said in the prediction thread it's not gonna be a catwalk for the Shibs. I was right

I'm kind of surprised actually, I would have scored them ahead of B/S. Bleh. But Maia did say they got downgraded on something in the Kiss and Cry...


Wicked Yankee Girl
Jul 26, 2003
Well, you were, but that was one untidy skate by B&S. I was surprised it scored that high. The judges had them 5 points ahed of Nathalie & Fabian's score at SA, and that was no where near the quality of P&B, even with a fall.

Alex had a stumble in the circular step not touching, but I was also surprised by how far it dropped them.

1 Ekaterina BOBROVA / Dmitri SOLOVIEV RUS 65.73 32.50 33.23 8.29 8.04 8.46 8.36 8.36 0.00 #7
2 Maia SHIBUTANI / Alex SHIBUTANI USA 57.79 27.71 30.08 7.71 7.36 7.57 7.54 7.43 0.00 #8
3 Penny COOMES / Nicholas BUCKLAND GBR 53.89 28.85 25.04 6.29 6.04 6.43 6.46 6.11 0.00 #4
4 Pernelle CARRON / Lloyd JONES FRA 52.41 25.35 27.06 6.71 6.57 6.96 6.89 6.71 0.00 #6
5 Xiaoyang YU / Chen WANG CHN 48.36 27.58 21.78 5.43 5.18 5.68 5.46 5.46 1.00 #2
6 Xintong HUANG / Xun ZHENG CHN 45.07 21.73 23.34 6.04 5.68 5.64 5.86 5.89 0.00 #5
7 Emily SAMUELSON / Todd GILLES USA 43.64 22.51 21.13 5.43 5.14 5.25 5.32 5.25 0.00 #1
8 Charlotte LICHTMAN / Dean COPELY USA 40.26 18.79 21.47 5.57 5.07 5.39 5.50 5.29 0.00 #3

Mrs. P

Uno, Dos, twizzle!
Record Breaker
Dec 27, 2009
8 points is a lot but not impossible for S/S -- they tend to be stronger in the FS segement anyway...


On the Ice
Mar 16, 2005
I saw this coming.. The shibutani's programs this year are just not good at all! I said in a previous thread they should have switched programs after Finlandia.


Record Breaker
Oct 3, 2003
I only watched the American Teams, and thus far I liked Lichtman & Copely the best, and also the Shibutanis.

My only complaint about the Shibs is that they look so young, about 12 yrs. old, I miss the old days of ice dance when the man looked like a man and the woman looked like a woman (aka Anissina & Peizerat).

But what do I know, I'm not an ice dance fan, only know what I like, and what I have always liked in the past were T&D, the Duschenays, A&P, and S&B. The latter no more. :(

Btw, I was really hoping that Emily would do a "Marina Anissina" and find a partner in another country, preferably France or Russia. But I've come to realize that Emily is the less dominant partner in the relationship, as there is usually two types of personalities in a partnership, the leader/forceful one/gets things done (aka Christopher Dean) and then there is the nice laid back one (aka Jayne Torvill). Jmho.

Ah well, onto ladies. :)


Record Breaker
Jul 12, 2009
Maia and Alex got level 1 on their lift and level 2 on their Non touching step seq. This is why they are so far behind the russians. Both teams had level 3 on their compulsories

Blades of Passion

Skating is Art, if you let it be
Record Breaker
Sep 14, 2008
I think it was obvious the Shibutani's would slip this year but the Russians were quite overscored.

colleen o'neill

Nov 3, 2006
:rolleye: Wow.. I didn't think B/S would be scored that high..hmmmm. I thought it was..well, not that good and not that latin..
Ah , well.. goodnight, guys.


Final Flight
Oct 16, 2009
Maia and Alex got level 1 on their lift and level 2 on their Non touching step seq. This is why they are so far behind the russians. Both teams had level 3 on their compulsories

Level 1 on lift..:eek: How did it happen?


Record Breaker
Jul 12, 2009
One judge gave the Shibs +2 and +3 on all their elements(and PCS over 9) while other just one +1 and the rest 0(and the highest score was 7.25 on the SS). Gotta love ice dance:)
Oh, I don't agree B/S getting higher GOE then the Shibs on the twizzles. This is wrong

Mrs. P

Uno, Dos, twizzle!
Record Breaker
Dec 27, 2009

*S/S and B/S score the same levels on the two sequences (level 3) -- AND S/S edged them out slightly on GOE
*S/S got downgraded on their lift and circular step sequence (that mistake from Alex hurt) --
* Oddly enough no -GOE otherwise from S/S, just downgraded levels.
*How the heck did B/S score better on the twizzles?
** ETA: S/S lost more on TES --- they would have scored at least 5 points more if they had the levels.

** Carron/Jones -- level one on second sequence, level two on circular step sequence
** Coomes/Buckland -- level 2 and level three for their sequences; they also got level four on twizzles and lift and level 3 step sequence good for them.) They actually beat the Shibs in TES -- what a surprise.

** Huang/Zheng -- scored level 3 and 2 on sequence but level one on aborted left and level 2 on step sequence.
** Yu/Wang - level 3 both sequence, level two circular step sequence

* Samuleson/Gilles - level 2 on sequences, level one on step sequence
* Litchman/Copley got just level 1 on their sequence and circular step sequences.
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