2020-21 Russian Ladies' Figure Skating | Page 402 | Golden Skate

2020-21 Russian Ladies' Figure Skating

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Final Flight
Jan 11, 2014
I'm late in the party...: biggrin: This is my opinion.

For me Kamila was the first, too but the gap was too big. Ridiculously big. Kamila is not Yuna Kim yet. But she received such points.
Usacheva is awesome but her scores was too high. And the judges ignored her mistake.
Sasha did mistakes. But she landed in 3A and if that is not perfect this is a great step. :love2:
Konstantinova was very enjoyable and the other girls , too. Stasya was underscored or Kamila was overscored. 16 points between them???
I liked this competition very much.:hap10:

I have an opinion and you won't like it. Kamila can't be the next OG champion. Maybe she will be the next Gubanova or Panenkova.......
I´m in the category that doesn´t understand why people dislike Kamila´s Bolero. I like it, and I like the tiny details they´ve added since test skates. I really like the program, and the SP is essentially my favourite this season. Poor thing was so stressed and scared from the beginning :(

I´m so hyped about Daria! Her current level is the level of JWorlds and I can´t wait to see more improvement! I was so sad seeing her, and also Kamila soo sad in their interviews. Also, the difference performance-wise was kinda like day and night between her and Sasha, but I´m glad Sasha´s trying this and I think it can work for her too.

Imo Daria should´ve had the highest PCS today and I´m quite bothered that both Sasha and Kamila were above her. Sasha had mistakes and was higher, and uhmm Kamila having the highest PCS with a few serious mistakes is disappointing. Dasha wuzrobbed for sure in that.

I kinda think that Sasha should´ve received an E on both flips yesterday and today, not just a ! .

Overall, I think Dasha should´ve been second, even though she botched the last spin. I´m sure she´s beating herself up over it and I wish her to be able to let go of it soon. <3

Anna Frolova is sooo lovely. I think she was robbed in PCS compared to the others. Congrats on making nationals!

Valeria Shulskaya wins best dress again :rock:

Edit: The drama is too much, and I know 1tv is living for it, but it needs to come to an end. I wanna see more of the skaters and not freaking Pluschenko raising his eyebrows or Eteri rolling her eyes.
Agreed! Daria’s FS was my favorite by far, and comparing her program/skate to Sasha’s made me realize how much more improvement Sasha needs. Daria was a revelation for me today as I did not notice her too much before. My mistake!! Kamila also made a lot of mistakes today, but I also don’t understand the hate for her Bolero program. She will grow into it and they have a long term vision for her. Whatever Eteri’s faults are, I feel her students typically have good music and programs. The placement IMO should have been 1. Sasha, 2. Daria and 3. Kamila

Flying Feijoa

On the Ice
Sep 22, 2019
There’s no need to sacrifice anything. Per Kamila, she never makes mistakes on those jumps in training, it was just a fluke. She’ll skate it clean sometime in her next competitions, I’m sure.
Agree, but competition has a lot more pressure than training. Thought she might get used to it eventually since today was only her first senior outing.


Record Breaker
Sep 23, 2020
The real Queen standing fast, while the usurper shamefully sneaks by from behind. 😏

Actually I'd say it's pretty rude to stand in the middle of the passageway which everyone needs to walk to get in like that. Just pure arrogance, that's all. Still, in the end of the day it was her who had to give way to those who had to make it past her which makes it even more telling if you wish... :)


Record Breaker
Feb 10, 2018
Do we know anything about Adelia? I miss her...

also, why hasn‘t Osokina been at any event so far? She looked pretty prepared at test skates. Hope she didn‘t get injured later or something like that...
Haven't seen any explanation, I realized only in friday she's not on the list anymore, but without any announcement so far.


Final Flight
Feb 12, 2016
I just hope that Kamila will switch to her test skates dresses, because the ones she used at the Russian cup aren't doing her any favour IMO; she is such a pretty girl, why would they put her in those rags? The Bolero dress especially must go, in retrospect the black jumpsuit was great.


Final Flight
Jan 22, 2015
By the way, why Sasha’s flying camel was given lvl 3 in both short and free, I was checking them as an easy lvl 4?


Final Flight
Feb 12, 2016
Also, I really enjoy Kamila SP, to me it really suits her style and shows her very beautiful extensions and positions. On the other hand I find her Bolero LP too frantic; the music starts already at the faster parts and doesn't really give her the time to breathe all along...it would be better to have a slower start (such as Carolina Kostner Bolero) with the hard jumps and transitions and let the fast part at the end for spins and steps.


Insert weird opinion here
Record Breaker
Feb 22, 2014
For me it isn't. I'm not a fan of the split second spirals (there were still a few of these in Trusovas program). I'd rather see skating like in the men's competition.

It isn't brilliant choreography, but it was better than Daria's choreography in my opinion.
I thought I was the only one who thought this! Or perhaps that's me being biased. I found Sasha's choreo more engaging and better suited to the music cuts. Daria's skating was too delicate I felt.

Also I'm a huge fan of Bolero, I just love it, but Kamila's version is the worst I've heard, it's like hold music, I kept expecting to hear a voice over "Your call is important to us, please stay on the line." Like Team TUT couldn't find a better version?

But wow Kamila skates fast, like crazy fast! I was puffed out just watching her, perhaps they should go way out of the box and have her skate to techno!

As for T Tarasova, I probably did give her too much leeway especially after how she treated Alina Z. But at least Alina can rub her Olympic Gold medal in Tarasova's face, with Liza she kicked her when she was down and that's just petty as Hell. To say nothing of how she betrayed Zhenya Med's trust in her, advising her to do a Beillman! Tarasova should have to do one herself as punishment, see how her back goes.


On the Ice
Oct 27, 2019
I feel Trusova definitely deserved her win, but the breakout star for me was Daria. She should’ve gotten silver. All this push for Kamila—and it’s obvious she’s the one they’re setting up as Russia’s #1 for gold—and she was a huge disappointment.

I can’t help but wonder if part of the reason Trusova and Alena chose to leave Eteri was due to the obvious pushing of Kamila. From all accounts, she was amazing last year in juniors. But she also used a recycled program, from what I’m reading, and there are some theories she’ll recycle this Bolero program next year. Do her coaches do that because she has difficultly adjusting to new programs so the repetition helps her?

Daria definitely stood out today. I see more potential for growth in her, and maybe by next season they’ll have no choice but to reward her when she deserves it.
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On the Ice
Dec 5, 2019
I can’t help but wonder if part of the season Trusova and Alena chose to leave Eteri was due to the obvious pushing of Kamila. From all accounts, she was amazing last year in juniors. But she also used a recycled program, from what I’m reading, and there are some theories she’ll recycle this Bolero program next year. Do her coaches do that because she has difficultly adjusting to new programs so the repetition helps her?
Yes, last season's short was also her short from her last year as a novice (the season prior). It became a pretty iconic program, so I think they recycled it so it would be seen on the international stage and not just in local competitions. It could've just been a one-time thing.


Gazing at a Glorious Great Lakes sunset
Record Breaker
Aug 12, 2014
I don't think they had an option but to show him when they were showing all the other coaches.

What the Fed should do is implement a "punishment" for coaches that fail to follow guidelines - they get 1 warning to put their mask on, the second time someone has to come up to them its to escort them out of the building; any competitions that follow they do not get a warning, the first time they fail to follow guidelines they are escorted out of the arena.
I'm glad to see my annoyance reflected here by others. I wanted to scream every time they pointed the camera at Plushenko. He is like an advertisement in favor of irresponsible behavior. Plus, being shallow here, his appearance would really be improved by wearing the mask over his nose! as it should be for effectiveness.

But I want to add that I think he's doing well with Sasha. The step sequence was dramatic and well timed with accents in the music, so the music did some of the work; she had fewer of the Eteri-girl mannerisms and mechanisms in the choreography ... next up, eliminate the automatic big kicks after jumps. Also, very importantly, Sasha looks happy and this was great for her confidence.

I agree with the majority opinion here ... Kamila is a lovely expressive skater. The SP is suited to her; imo the FS isn't. And, Daria is a beautiful skater and can show emotion beautifully.


Record Breaker
Nov 2, 2013
Also, I really enjoy Kamila SP, to me it really suits her style and shows her very beautiful extensions and positions. On the other hand I find her Bolero LP too frantic; the music starts already at the faster parts and doesn't really give her the time to breathe all along...it would be better to have a slower start (such as Carolina Kostner Bolero) with the hard jumps and transitions and let the fast part at the end for spins and steps.
Yeah, agree with this. Starting Bolero at the more powerful part is essentially missing 2/3 of the Bolero. If you just start listening to Bolero from 10mins in it's really not a very special piece of music. What makes it good is the progression, and for that you need to calm beginning.


Record Breaker
Nov 11, 2013
I'm glad to see my annoyance reflected here by others. I wanted to scream every time they pointed the camera at Plushenko. He is like an advertisement in favor of irresponsible behavior. Plus, being shallow here, his appearance would really be improved by wearing the mask over his nose! as it should be for effectiveness.

What drives me nuts is that the coaches know that sport schools have had to be closed and supposedly the Fed was warned about non-compliance happening at events. These Cup events are great experience or time to work through issues for skaters like his star student Trusova who has had problems of delivering in competition and the non-compliance might be endangering events continuing (and selfishly us fans are in desperate need of seeing some skating).

But I want to add that I think he's doing well with Sasha. The step sequence was dramatic and well timed with accents in the music, so the music did some of the work; she had fewer of the Eteri-girl mannerisms and mechanisms in the choreography ... next up, eliminate the automatic big kicks after jumps. Also, very importantly, Sasha looks happy and this was great for her confidence.

I think her programs are an improvement from last season, it probably helps that for a couple of months she was his main senior skater so she likely had undivided attention which is something that was probably a struggle to get at Sambo with the depth of talent they have. She still seems to skate through the music vs. skating to the music, hopefully that improves.

I agree with the majority opinion here ... Kamila is a lovely expressive skater. The SP is suited to her; imo the FS isn't. And, Daria is a beautiful skater and can show emotion beautifully.

I think Valieva's a very expressive skater with her movements, her facial expressions are quite non-existent; the SP is super similar to both her programs last year, I like that they went with something a little different for the FS and while I'm not loving it right now I can see it being something she can grow into. Usacheva was the best of the 3 medalists to me, yes she didn't do the quads but she didn't have any disruptive falls or landings in her program and she projects music very well with both her movements and her face.


Record Breaker
Nov 21, 2015
I think Valieva's a very expressive skater with her movements, her facial expressions are quite non-existent; the SP is super similar to both her programs last year, I like that they went with something a little different for the FS and while I'm not loving it right now I can see it being something she can grow into. Usacheva was the best of the 3 medalists to me, yes she didn't do the quads but she didn't have any disruptive falls or landings in her program and she projects music very well with both her movements and her face.

Music was different, the choreo was full of many recycled moves, (except the spiral in the choreo sequence, that was a cool moment)

They try to include as many moves as possible in her programs i think to show her abilities, but at the same time because of that she always look in a hurry, and that's something i noticed from the free last year as well. She hits very pretty positions but if they let her holding them for more than half a second it would be way more effective.


Gazing at a Glorious Great Lakes sunset
Record Breaker
Aug 12, 2014
What drives me nuts is that the coaches know that sport schools have had to be closed and supposedly the Fed was warned about non-compliance happening at events.
I didn't know this. It's mind-boggling to see people not complying in the face of this.
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