2023-24 Japan Sectional competition - Section #2: Western | Page 7 | Golden Skate

2023-24 Japan Sectional competition - Section #2: Western


⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
Woke up (sort of) for Ayumi Kagotani~the last group of Women

16. Ayumi Kagotani
Miss Saigon
3Lz2Lo 3F2Lo 3S FSSp 2A FCCoSp 3F2T2T 3Lz ChSq 2A StSq CCoSp(both directions)
94.89 / 143.97 into 1st

Still to skate in this group

17. Chirisa Shibano
The Golden Age

18. Miyabi Oba


⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
17. Chirisa Shibano
The Golden Age
3T 1S CCoSp 3S2T 2A FSSp 2FEu2S 2A LSp StSq 2Lo2T ChSq
90.86 / 140.25

18. Miyabi Oba
3F 2A3T 3Lo(fall) FCSp 3S(hangs on) 3Lo2T CCoSp 3S2T2Lo StSq ChSq Spiral-->2A FCCoSp
110.01 / 159.87 into 1st Q!

Final Group Skate Order
19. Yuna Shiraiwa
20. Nana Araki
21. Natsu Suzuki
22. Sae Shimizu
23. Saki Miyake
24. Mako Yamashita


FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
Sr. women's FS, results after Group 3:
Live results

Qual.Final scores
Q大 庭 雅Miyabi Oba159.87
籠 谷 歩 未Ayumi Kagotani143.97
柴 野 ちりさChirisa Shibano140.25
森 実 愛Miai Mori130.63
鴨 井 彬莉彩Arisa Kamoi129.31
高 岡 も もMomo Takaoka129.02
渡 邉 朱 音Akane Watanabe125.93
田 村 珠里亜Julia Tamura123.75
田 村 綾 音Ayane Tamura123.08
磯 村 彩 姫Saki Isomura119.17
大 関 凜 花Rinka Oseki118.43
浦 松 千 聖Chisato Uramatsu117.36
金 澤 茉 由Mayu Kanazawa114.73
前 野 百 花Momoka Maeno110.29
大山田 光Hikari Oyamada106.01
佐々木 和 音Kazune Sasaki105.20
植 杉 梨 南Rina Uesugi104.09
山 𥔎 藍 香Aika Yamazaki94.30


⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
19. Yuna Shiraiwa
The Mission
1Lz 2A 3F 3S SSp StSq 3Lz2T2Lo 3Lo(so) ChSq 1A1T FCSp CCoSp
95.96 / 146.21 Q

20. Nana Araki
The Sky and the Dawn and the Sun
3F 3Lo(fall) 3T2T FSSp 2AEu2S CCoSp 2S 3S 2A(hangs on) FCCoSp StSq ChSq
94.02 / 146.30 Q

Ayumi is on the cusp again~


⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
21. Natsu Suzuki
3T 3Lo2T 2A FSSp 3Lo(hand, so) CCoSp 2A3T 1S 2Lz2T ChSq StSq FCCoSp
105.63 / 161.88 Q

22. Sae Shimizu
Un Sospiro
3Lz2A+SEQ 3T<<(fall) 3S FCCoSp 3Lo(so) CCoSp(both directions) 3Lz2T 3F ChSq 3F2T StSq LSp
105.09 / 161.89 Q


⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
24. Mako Yamashita
Moeyo Ken?
3Lz(so) 3F3T 3Lo FCSp 2A ChSq 3Lz3T(2ft?,hangs on) 3S2T2T 3S(fall) SSp StSq CCoSp
115.21 / 181.60 into 1st Q


FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
Senior women - Final
FS Results

*Top 7 will advance to Nationals

Qual.Final scores
Q1山 下 真 瑚Mako Yamashita181.60
Q2三 宅 咲 綺Saki Miyake179.03
Q3清 水 咲 衣Sae Shimizu161.89
Q4鈴 木 な つNatsu Suzuki161.88
Q5大 庭 雅Miyabi Oba159.87
Q6荒 木 菜 那Nana Araki146.30
Q7白 岩 優 奈Yuna Shiraiwa146.21
8籠 谷 歩 未Ayumi Kagotani143.97
9柴 野 ちりさChirisa Shibano140.25
10森 実 愛Miai Mori130.63
11鴨 井 彬莉彩Arisa Kamoi129.31
12高 岡 も もMomo Takaoka129.02
13渡 邉 朱 音Akane Watanabe125.93
14田 村 珠里亜Julia Tamura123.75
15田 村 綾 音Ayane Tamura123.08
16磯 村 彩 姫Saki Isomura119.17
17大 関 凜 花Rinka Oseki118.43
18浦 松 千 聖Chisato Uramatsu117.36
19金 澤 茉 由Mayu Kanazawa114.73
20前 野 百 花Momoka Maeno110.29
21大山田 光Hikari Oyamada106.01
22佐々木 和 音Kazune Sasaki105.20
23植 杉 梨 南Rina Uesugi104.09
24山 𥔎 藍 香Aika Yamazaki94.30
FNR25藤 由妃乃Yukino Fuji35.24
WD永 見 千代乃Chiyono Nagami--


Record Breaker
Aug 21, 2018
Ayumi 😭😭😭😭 (just needed three more points)… always so close

Oda …. I went to bed so happy with him winning Sectionals and getting to skate in the final two groups and now this… doping? What? Nonburi… you are supposed to pay attention and follow certain rules…. I’m in tears 😭😭😭

Saki… I’m happy. But, sad. She was so close to winning Sectionals. But, I like Mako too.


⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
Competition Day 2 Video Links

I apologize for the annoying blue...I don't know "tool bar"? across the top of some Senior Ice Dance videos (no time to crop right now)
I fell asleep while recording and somehow during the Group 2 ID warmup I must've touched my keyboard
Also, a heads up, the wait for most of the ID scores was absurdly long

Junior Ice Dance RD
Kaho Yamashita / Yuto Nagata

Senior Ice Dance RD
Misato Komatsubara / Takeru Komatsubara (Tim Koleto)
Utana Yoshida / Masaya Morita
Azusa Tanaka / Shingo Nishiyama
Ayano Sasaki/ Yoshimitsu Ikeda
Akari Kinoshita / Takahiko Tamura
Yuri Kunimura / Kaiji Sakabe

Rather than in Final placement order I've listed the Men and Women in FS skate order (top=earlier, bottom=last)
Watching in this order might give a better build up and an understanding of the emotions and reactions happening in the KnC knowing spots to Nationals were on the line

Senior Men FS
Nobunari Oda
Yuto Kishina
Lucas Tsuyoshi Honda
Kazuki Kushida
Takumi Sugiyama
Haruya Sasaki
Sena Miyake

Senior Women FS
Ayumi Kagotani
Chirisa Shibano
Miyabi Oba
Yuna Shiraiwa
Nana Araki
Natsu Suzuki
Sae Shimizu
Saki Miyake
Mako Yamashita


FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
Senior Ice Dance FD results

Live results

Warming-up G1RD
1国 村 柚 里\
坂 部 魁 士
Yuri Kunimura
Kaiji Sakabe
2木 下 あかり
田 村 周 彦
Akari Kinoshita
Takahiko Tamura
3佐々木 彩 乃
池 田 喜 充
Ayano Sasaki
Yoshimitsu Ikeda
Warming-up G2
4田 中 梓 沙
西 山 真 瑚
Azusa Tanaka
Shingo Nishiyama
5吉 田 唄 菜
森 田 真沙也
Utana Yoshida
Masaya Morita
6小松原 美 里
小松原 尊
Misato Komatsubara
Takeru Komatsubara (Tim Koleto)