2023-24 Japan Sectional competition - Section #2: Western | Page 6 | Golden Skate

2023-24 Japan Sectional competition - Section #2: Western


"Dedicate your heart" & Slay like an Ackerman
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
15. Yuto Kishina
3A(2ft) 3Lz 2A3T 3S2A2T+SEQ FCSp StSq 3F 3Lo3T(so) 3Lo ChSq CSSp CCoSp
NIce skate, Yuto!!! :love::love::love:
132.92 / 200.02 into 2nd


"Dedicate your heart" & Slay like an Ackerman
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
oh no...my stream died

Finally got my stream going again but Lucas is already skating so no pbp for him
I'll rewind later to get his performance

BTW Final Group Skate Order is
16. Lucas Tsuyoshi Honda
17. Kazuki Kushida
18. Takumi Sugiyama
19.Haruya Sasaki
20. Sena Miyake

Nobu already qualified for Nats
Everyone in the final group has to stay above Yuto to qualify
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"Dedicate your heart" & Slay like an Ackerman
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
17. Kazuki Kushida
Land of All
3T 3AEu3S 3Lz 2F CCSp StSq 1A 3Lz3T 3Lo2A+SEQ ChSq FSSp CCoSp
Great skate for him! 🔥🔥🔥
135.72 / 203.83 into 2nd! Q
He's in tears!

18. Takumi Sugiyama (rip=rippon)
Suite No. 3 in D Major, BWV 1068: ll. Air / Mechanisms
3A(hand,so) 3F(rippon)2T 3Lo 2A(rippon) FCCoSp(beauty!) ChSq 3F(rip)Eu3S(rip) 3Lz(rip)3T(rip) 3Lz(rip) CSSp StSq CCoSp
Takumi wants to go to Nats! 🙌🙌🙌
All the guys want to go to Nats! 🙌🙌🙌
136.95 / 207.00 Q!


FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
According to twitter, this will be the last Sectional for both Kushida, and Honda (to concentrate on pair). And that explains...


"Dedicate your heart" & Slay like an Ackerman
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
19.Haruya Sasaki
Romeo and Juliet
4T(fall) 3AEu2S 2A 2Lo? CCoSp ChSq 3Lz2A+SEQ 3Lz CCSp StSq 3T(so) FCCoSp dies on ice 😅
121.58 / 198.88 Q


"Dedicate your heart" & Slay like an Ackerman
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
20. Sena Miyake
A Question of Honour (Radio Mix)
3F3T 3A2T 3A FCSp 3Lo 3S(fall) 3Lz(fall) CSSp StSq ChSq 3F(so) CCoSp
134.79 / 213.61 into 2nd Q

Just realiized I wasn't recording the last group :palmf:


FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
Senior men - Final
FS Results

*Top 6 will advance to Nationals, and Oda will be able to skate in the last two groups at Nationals (as the winner of the western sectionals)
Q(?)1織 田 信 成Nobunari Oda216.75
Q2三 宅 星 南Sena Miyake213.61
Q3杉 山 匠 海Takumi Sugiyama207.00
Q4櫛 田 一 樹Kazuki Kushida203.83
Q5木 科 雄 登Yuto Kishina200.02
Q6佐々木 晴 也Haruya Sasaki198.88
(?)7本 田 ルーカス剛史Lucas Tsuyoshi Honda195.21
8誉 田 知 己Haruki Honda158.44
9戸 田 晴 登Haruto Toda153.02
10鈴 木 零 偉Rei Suzuki144.47
11三 島 悠 生Haruki Mishima142.30
12前 川 裕 士Yuji Maekawa141.17
13垂 水 爽 空Sora Tarumi138.46
14嘉手納 宙 大Sora Katena138.09
15小 林 隼Shun Kobayashi134.20
16彦 阪 昇 吾Shogo Hikosaka129.36
17川 口 清 壽Seiju Kawaguchi128.08
18立 神 杏士郎Anjiro Tategami127.97
19松 下 大 地Daichi Matsushita125.37
20高 浜 琢 斗Takuto Takahama120.91
(?) Due to some special circumstances that Oda failed to fulfil Japan's Anti-Doping Agency policy in time, he's not going to be able to participate in 23' Nationals. And we'll wait for the JSF's formal confirmation to formally note the results of qualifications here.
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"Dedicate your heart" & Slay like an Ackerman
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
That was such a good final group of Men! So exciting!
Anyway, I'm probably going to be a bit late for the Senior Women's FS
Going to get a quick shower while I record to last group of guys


FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
Sr. women - FS
Live results
Streaming (paid, VPN required from outside of Japan)

*Top 7 skaters will be able to advance to Nationals.
Warming-up G1SP
1山 𥔎 藍 香Aika Yamazaki35.47
2佐々木 和 音Kazune Sasaki35.77
3前 野 百 花Momoka Maeno35.85
4金 澤 茉 由Mayu Kanazawa36.83
5渡 邉 朱 音Akane Watanabe37.05
6植 杉 梨 南Rina Uesugi37.70
Warming-up G2
7大山田 光Hikari Oyamada37.88
8大 関 凜 花Rinka Oseki38.97
9浦 松 千 聖Chisato Uramatsu39.13
10田 村 珠里亜Julia Tamura39.48
11高 岡 も もMomo Takaoka39.74
12磯 村 彩 姫Saki Isomura42.92
Warming-up G3
13鴨 井 彬莉彩Arisa Kamoi43.51
14森 実 愛Miai Mori44.03
15田 村 綾 音Ayane Tamura48.53
16籠 谷 歩 未Ayumi Kagotani49.08
17柴 野 ちりさChirisa Shibano49.39
18大 庭 雅Miyabi Oba49.86
Warming-up G4
19白 岩 優 奈Yuna Shiraiwa50.25
20荒 木 菜 那Nana Araki52.28
21鈴 木 な つNatsu Suzuki56.25
22清 水 咲 衣Sae Shimizu56.80
23三 宅 咲 綺Saki Miyake65.94
24山 下 真 瑚Mako Yamashita66.39


FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013


FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
Sr. women's FS, results after Group 1:
Live results

Final scores
1渡 邉 朱 音Akane Watanabe125.93
2金 澤 茉 由Mayu Kanazawa114.73
3前 野 百 花Momoka Maeno110.29
4佐々木 和 音Kazune Sasaki105.20
5植 杉 梨 南Rina Uesugi104.09
6山 𥔎 藍 香Aika Yamazaki94.30


FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
Sr. women's FS, results after Group 2:
Live results

Final scores
1高 岡 も もMomo Takaoka129.02
2渡 邉 朱 音Akane Watanabe125.93
3田 村 珠里亜Julia Tamura123.75
4磯 村 彩 姫Saki Isomura119.17
5大 関 凜 花Rinka Oseki118.43
6浦 松 千 聖Chisato Uramatsu117.36
7金 澤 茉 由Mayu Kanazawa114.73
8前 野 百 花Momoka Maeno110.29
9大山田 光Hikari Oyamada106.01
10佐々木 和 音Kazune Sasaki105.20
11植 杉 梨 南Rina Uesugi104.09
12山 𥔎 藍 香Aika Yamazaki94.30
Ice resurfacing now