Yulia Lipnitskaya | Page 385 | Golden Skate

Yulia Lipnitskaya


Apr 27, 2014
Hi! Competition time again...

Last year we all know the various problems she had (lots of them).
This year is not going to be easy and I see lot of palpitations for her followers.

But this is the path to go through.

And it’s not a simple one for her.
I think changing technique is not easy. And it has to get from your head to your body. Do not think, just execute ... easy to say....It’s like re-learning from scratch. Plus every missed jump has an impact on her confidence (doubles instead triples, as she did in the test skates and today again...) frustrating her much more.

I see her engagement into skating. I’m sure everything will come together one day ... I don’t have doubts about that!

As for the SP and LP, apart the potential they have and what happened in the last 2 days, I just want to say that I appreciated the fact she went abroad to work with someone new (original woman, by the way), that she made some new experience with music & costume for the SP (worlds apart from her repertoire) clashing against the wonderful sobriety shown in the LP. I’ve read many wonderful and positive msg here, what a wonderful support she has! What a privilege to see this lady develop... The future is bright.


Match Penalty
Sep 10, 2014
The team Olympic champion Yulia Lipnitskaya has come second in Finland Trophy. She answered Tatyana Flade’s questions.

Yulia, how can you comment on your performance at Finlandia Trophy?

I expected a little more. I intended to get all the elements done, but made the same old mistakes. I don’t have such issues when I train. That means I have to practise my programmes more. The flip went wrong – lately I’ve had mistakes with that jump at the start of the season. I was so angry with myself for that! I understand I’ve had worse times. But no matter, things should go better when the season advances

You performed after a long break. What are your feelings about it?

I was looking forward to this competition. I thought I had a lot of time ahead, but suddenly I find myself having to pack and go to Finland. The time flew past. It was as if I skated for the first time during the first day, but then it felt more familiar. I wanted to go out and show what I’m capable of. I seem to have made progress, but I lack consistency. I have to work on that – then my skating and my routines will become more exciting and involving. I have to put everything together now, and then we’ll see.
I can’t say I’m much upset after my first competition. This is a beginning. Now I know what I have to correct and what I have to work on.

Did you ever wish to quit during your break?

I’ve gone through everything – problems, rows. I didn’t skate for a long time after the New Year’s Day.

How long?

I can’t remember exactly. I remember Mum taking me to a house where we saw the New Year in. I wanted neither to eat or to drink – I didn’t want anything. I had no thoughts in my mind. I’ll never forget that time. I just didn’t want to do anything. I felt completely empty and exhausted.

What motivated you to come back?

There were many pros and cons. We just balanced everything, had a good thought and decided to let everything go the way it does.

Who supported you during this hard period?

Many people sympathised with me. Mum. She’s always with me, she helps me with everything, she advises me. But after the Russian Championship we decided I’d go everywhere on my own. It’s time I were managing on my own. The only thing is that Mum takes me to training sessions since I can’t drive a car so far.

Was it an easy resolution to make?

To go on my own? I’d have to do that sooner or later. It’s better to do it now when it’s not the most important season for me.
But Mum’s coming to the US with me. It won’t be one day, and there’s no public transportation to speak of, so we have to hire a car. After the US I’ll manage on my own. It’s time I grew up.

You’ve already grown up.

Not yet, soon. But I’ll be a baby for Mum forever.

What’s the purpose of going to the US?

I’m going to work through my routines, as my Choreographer Marina Zoueva can’t come to Russia. I’m going there with my second coach Sergey Dudakov. There’s a lot of work to do, I hve to be in a good shape for the American Grand Prix event

How well did you manage to get ready for the season?

I had to overcome lots of issues. Changes in my head – they affect everything. I understand now why girls experience such problems during puberty. It’s really hard. All you experience is deflation, you don’t understand what’s going on with you. You understand it in your mind, but can’t achieve it with your body. Formerly, when I was a little girl, I just did it. Now I understand it, I see it in my head, I attempt to do it, but my body fails me.
I first thought I was the only one to go through this. But then I spoke to other people and calmed down: everyone goes through this. I haven’t grown that much, I weigh around the same, but a change in body is taking place
I get good advice from Liza Tuktamysheva. We talk a lot now. She’s a good example for me. I’m happy for her. She’s nice as well as the other girls from the team.

What are your goals for the season?

I want to achieve consistency in jumps and overall consistency. I can compete with the others if I have that.

Alex D

Record Breaker
Sep 23, 2013
When I first read the interview, I was like ...

"But Yulia, in the US you can drive a car already with 16" ;) but yes of course, she doesn't has a license - silly me!

I think overall, she act´s much older and wiser now - she also words her answers pretty well - at least this was my impression when reading the Russian Version (any native speaker might agree / disagree?). Thanks for the translation btw. its good to have someone around who is a native so that the ability to cross check is there.

It must have been a really hard time for her over new years eve - poor girl, but that's how champions are created, I tell ya. If you come back from this, then this makes you stronger and more resilient to similar moments that might follow.
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Match Penalty
Feb 13, 2014
At this moment I like her LP more, it suits her style more I think. After all it's her music choice in the first place. She still needs adjustment for sure. Good to know that she is maturing so fast. Good luck Yulia.


Record Breaker
Feb 26, 2014


Match Penalty
Sep 10, 2014
My pleasure - it was quite an experience having to translate it within twenty minutes or so. :D


Match Penalty
Sep 10, 2014
I don't hate doing translations, but I hate doing them under pressure. Which is invariably what I have to do anyway. :)


“I solemnly swear I’m up to no good”
Record Breaker
Dec 29, 2013
Finally got to watch the FS. Now I can see why the haters are out. The choreo is breathtaking and her delivery is like a gentle breeze. The step sequence is so good and just flows with the music. This program works well for her.

My guess is she planned on focusing on and controlling the choreography first and foremost here. I think the jump layout came second in that regard and she was determined to deliver the program as it was intended before all else. This program is growing already and I'm just loving it. Can't wait to see what Marina does with Julia.

I know it's unlikely but I wonder if there is any chance of her moving to Marina full time? Sounds like Julia is looking to take control of things and she has said really positive things about her and her training. Specifically how easy she is to work with and how creativity is welcomed. Maybe a year away from Moscow could serve to refresh her and give her a chance to kind of escape.

I'm feeling positive after this event but always a bit skeptical about her mental state and how it affects her jumps. I do feel like she looks better than last season and in my totally biased opinion has real potential to keep improving.
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