Oh wow - now we're saying Gracie is clinically depressed? I'm quite sure that her father, being a physician, would be more informed about that than any poster on this board. As for my Tootsie reference, people are teeing off on her as if its their job - which doesn't make it right anymore than criticizing Johnny. We're all guilty of assuming what's wrong with her and what she needs to do about it. We're all being "bad babies!" I'm being hypocritical by even staying in this thread. Adios.
P.S. Her mom is an ER nurse. Bet she's seen truly depressed people. Just saying.
Gracie's dad is a DENTIST, so no, I don't think he is necessarily an expert on clinical depression. And seeing other depressed people in an ER setting doesn't mean her mother can recognize the signs in her own daughter.
Gracie is at an age when the first signs of clinical depression often appear. According to some studies, as many as 25% of college students suffer from depression. Postponing and skipping training and no longer seeming to enjoy skating are signs she is depressed, and the end result is poor performance. Then she blames herself for skating poorly and becomes even more depressed.
Gracie does read these boards, and I am appalled that she reads all the mean things that are said about her.