2018 Worlds Pairs Free Skate | Page 53 | Golden Skate

2018 Worlds Pairs Free Skate


Record Breaker
Nov 29, 2015
Program isn't bad, it's bad for them. Like I said yesterday, this would be a kick ass program for Valentina and Ondrej. This team does not have the personality or fire to do something so sexual.

Yes, agreed. They are very suited for classical or more somber music and they got saddled with something totally contrary to their personality. I still don't get how anyone thought this was a good idea.


On the Ice
Jan 12, 2014
Robin, their coach, had very good programs with Aliona (better than Aliona & Bruno, imo). Why doesn't he help them get better choreo? He obviously just watched Aliona & his pair back to back...what is he thinking?

Elton seems to be in charge of the choreo, it seems. Robin is there for technical support (rumor is Elton is more of a manager and doesn't necessarily have the technical chops to coach pairs). Plus, I think Ingo was the mastermind behind all their avante-garde programs way back when


Record Breaker
Sep 25, 2013
Robin, their coach, had very good programs with Aliona (better than Aliona & Bruno, imo). Why doesn't he help them get better choreo? He obviously just watched Aliona & his pair back to back...what is he thinking?

I mean, the creative force was obviously their coach/choreographer steuer and aliona.


Insert weird opinion here
Record Breaker
Feb 22, 2014
Hooray!! Silver for T/M!! Bronze for Vanessa and Morgan!! And Gold for Aliona and Bruno!

I'm very happy after what happened at the Olympics! I was so sad for T/M, I actually cried at work and had to hide in the back room for a bit.

I look forward to seeing what T/M have next season! Which will hopefully be better received by everyone :p


¿No ven quién soy yo?
Record Breaker
Mar 28, 2014
Off to finish preparing for my interview. Thanks for the giggles everyone! See y'all tomorrow.


did it spark joy?
On the Ice
Feb 23, 2018
S/H and T/M deserved better programs this year. It especially looks bad I think because S/M's program is stunning and it's an Olympic year. (I love S/Z's Turandot, don't get me wrong, but S/H's version of it just didn't play to their strengths...)

Mrs. P

Uno, Dos, twizzle!
Record Breaker
Dec 27, 2009
I SCREAMED at the end of their program when the cameras showed a woman in the audience yawning. That plus the complete silence at their scores tells you everything you need to know.

Ah god bless S/M. I think Europeans is the only title they won't have won? Not that Aliona needs another one, but would have been nice for Bruno to also have the complete set!

Bruno does have World Gold/Silver/Bronze, which is pretty cool!

Man, remember that time we all made fun of Aliona for picking Bruno four years ago....

Kristin Moore-Towers, too...Who would have imagined that it would be her and her "inferior" new partner that saved Canada with two spots.
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Record Breaker
Sep 25, 2013
If Sui's foot can stay in one piece for more than a few months at a time, everyone else should just accept 2nd place and lower. This wasn't really a good show of a fierce battle for gold next season.


On the Ice
Feb 20, 2018
I still find it hilarious how coming in, we were all so worried for MT/M with Kirsten's ankle and keeping the 2 spots, and now, they could arguably have placed 4th or 5th if they skated in a later group


Feb 9, 2014
Robin, their coach, had very good programs with Aliona (better than Aliona & Bruno, imo). Why doesn't he help them get better choreo? He obviously just watched Aliona & his pair back to back...what is he thinking? He needs to have better creative input.

I know!! I heard or read somewhere Aliona was a leader of the team (Aliona and Robin). I assume Aliona has a better vision and taste in music, choreo, and packaging? I really question everyone in T/M's coaching team. :dev2: It does not matter who is delegated to do what, if you see bad program, say so!!!


Record Breaker
Aug 1, 2011
Yes, agreed. They are very suited for classical or more somber music and they got saddled with something totally contrary to their personality. I still don't get how anyone thought this was a good idea.

They could do a program like La La Land. They have a definite ingenue vibe about them. Heck I could even see them doing a Mickey and Judy Strike Up the Band type program successfully.

What they don't have is any sexual chemistry or flirtatiousness. At all. And that program depends on precisely those qualities.


Record Breaker
Jan 25, 2013
Thank god Aliona/Bruno have the record for total score now. The farce that was V/T's Sochi scoring has been buried now.

It's too bad there's no second half bonus otherwise they'd probably have the SP record too.


Ina Bauer
Record Breaker
Jan 29, 2015
This pairs' season has been so emotional, wonder if there'll ever be another one like this for me or if in 2050 I'll still be looking back to this moment here and in OG.

Baron Vladimir

Record Breaker
Dec 18, 2014
It is absolutely CRIMINAL how their talent is wasted on dog turd like Candyman.


I must disagree with majority of you. Im pretty sure it would be boring if everybody skating same old same old all the time :shrug: At least, that program brings some variety this year


Record Breaker
Feb 16, 2014
Elton seems to be in charge of the choreo, it seems. Robin is there for technical support (rumor is Elton is more of a manager and doesn't necessarily have the technical chops to coach pairs). Plus, I think Ingo was the mastermind behind all their avante-garde programs way back when

It took me a minute to figure out who Elton is :rofl:

Ingo may have been the master mind, but I don't think Robin is just some background guy without taste or opinions. Or eyes and ears like all of us laypeople. I'd just like to see him (or someone, anyone) be a little more proactive in helping them progress artistically. Isn't "Elton" retiring soon anyway?