2022 Winter Olympics: Free Dance | Page 57 | Golden Skate

2022 Winter Olympics: Free Dance


On the Ice
Jan 5, 2014
I would have had H/D in 2nd, but oh well... I'm thrilled they're on the podium.
Yes, they H/D deserved to be. They truly were better than S/K and in all levels. Though, I am not ID expert at all, so this is just my personal opinion and of no importance.

Neither I liked S/K ( and their coach) overconfident reaction after the skate, that they are going to be first of all previous team; the other teams waited their scores in more humble manner. Nerveless I am glad S/K got that silver.
In my untrained in ice dance eyes they were/are fourth.
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Record Breaker
Mar 6, 2010
I was so nervous during katsalapov skating!! I mean I almost put the tv on mute but decided to lower the volume just in case there was a mistake I didn’t want to hear it! I mean all throughout the skating of I/k and s/k there have been horrible instances! Though I should say that katsalapov was amazing at 2014 Olympics and was amazing here as well so I guess he turned out to be a true Olympic pressure skater
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Record Breaker
Apr 5, 2017
P/C's music is by Gabriel Fauré, a fabulous, underrated composer. I play a lot of his music. It's refined, complex yet sounding understated. It has long and beautiful sweeping phrases. I thought it suited P/C perfectly.

I love that they went with a piece by Fauré that had absolutely no prior association with skating (as far as I'm aware) so they could completely make it their own. That was one of my issues with Moonlight Sonata, it's just so known and so overused that inevitably you are fighting against all the preconceived notions any given audience member or judge may have with it (Gordeeva/Grinkov, TV commercials, YouTube videos using it as background music... etc). I'm really glad we had a whole other Olympic cycle with P/C to experiment more and create a program that is, IMO, more sophisticated and emotional, and I think will leave a greater mark on ice dance than the Moonlight Sonata FD. I hope this inspires other skaters who have an interest in classical to dig a little deeper than the old standbys like Bolero, Danse Macabre etc... but probably we'll just get a few Elegie knockoffs lol.


Record Breaker
Jul 29, 2003

I love that they went with a piece by Fauré that had absolutely no prior association with skating (as far as I'm aware) so they could completely make it their own. That was one of my issues with Moonlight Sonata, it's just so known and so overused that inevitably you are fighting against all the preconceived notions any given audience member or judge may have with it (Gordeeva/Grinkov, TV commercials, YouTube videos using it as background music... etc). I'm really glad we had a whole other Olympic cycle with P/C to experiment more and create a program that is, IMO, more sophisticated and emotional, and I think will leave a greater mark on ice dance than the Moonlight Sonata FD. I hope this inspires other skaters who have an interest in classical to dig a little deeper than the old standbys like Bolero, Danse Macabre etc... but probably we'll just get a few Elegie knockoffs lol.
As a piece of music, Bolero does nothing for me. I didn't even like Torville and Dean's program to it (sacrilegious, I know), and I haven't liked any of the other programs to it since. I wish nobody would use it ever again.


On the Ice
Jan 11, 2014
I don’t want to stir the pot, but my sister and I always joke that we become instant experts, even though we know next to nothing about ice dance. But as we texted, we def felt Chock and Bates should have been second, Hubbell and Donahue third, and Sinitsina and Nikita Katsalapov fourth. I understand about the points from rhythm and how the deficit often can’t be overcome and just a handful of points makes a big difference. We watched the NBC prime time coverage live’w/Tanith and Johnny. Then I went to CBC stream (the tv one with Tessa and Scott commentating, not the other one). They both did not care for S/N, apologized for their opinions (like good Canadians, lol), and Scott tried to walk it back by saying maybe it just wasn’t a style he liked. It was interesting. When he apologized, the main commentator said, “No, no. We hired you for your honesty.” Then said “Well, now we know what Tessa and Scott think. Let’s see what the judges think.”

I felt same way. I thought S/N looked messy. When it came to being transported, I’d give it to C/B. Couldn’t take my eyes off them. Or P/C.

I wonder if there is a certain Russian style that my sister and I and V/M don’t respond to. It’s kind of a circus-y thing, palms facing up, (tah-dah) Mishin style (except Kolyada doesn’t do it but he didn’t develop his style under Mishin). I feel the same way about the Russian pairs team who are the favorites. It’s that same style I don’t care for. But I love, love, love Tarasova and Mozalev (and I know I’m in the minority there! And I always seem to pick ppl with inconsistency, not on purpose, lol).

It’s not only Russians, btw. I’m going to get in big trouble here but I didn’t like Scott Hamilton for that reason and was bummed when Kurt Browning took it on when he was maybe getting somewhat past his prime in his brilliant professional career.

Can someone explain what I’m talking about, because I sure can’t! I sense a divide in preference that has to do with culture and nothing to do with bias. Nothing beats that Russian balletic extension and I always find out after I love a performer in skating or gymnastics that they have Russian parents, lol. It happens ALL the time!


On the Ice
Jan 11, 2014
Wow. Remind me never to come to this thread again.

I thought it was all so interesting! I love that people stretch the sport and do things like alien romance dancing and the waacking of the short program. The alien/technology theme has always been extraordinarily moving and poignant whether it’s Vonnegut, or Bowie (the Man Who Fell to Earth movie especially) , or Radiohead, or Daft Punk, or Kubrik. We all know that feeling of alienation in our own lives (even within ourselves!) with technology coming way faster than we’re ready for it and the certain destruction of Earth possibly in my children’s lifetime. Sure we can have more waltzes, Romeo/Juliet tragedies, bullfighters, and knights, and bodice-ripper seductions (with T/M the masters; they had me literally blushing sometimes!), but the point is, we can also have more avant-garde, experimental things too and even grand artistic statements! I always said I preferred men’s skating to women’s because roles and dance styles and costumes and music more narrowly defined in womens. I’d love to see that change. The fact that a team like C/B took a chance with a dance that a good proportion might not get or might not care for just makes it even more impressive when a medal is on the line. I used to think of ID as boring; now I realize it’s much more successful in telling a story that a lot of other disciplines.
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Insert weird opinion here
Record Breaker
Feb 22, 2014
Neither I liked S/K ( and their coach) overconfident reaction after the skate, that they are going to be first of all previous teams
What do you mean? I watched it and Nikita has his eyes closed like he was praying for a good result and Vika was gripping her coach's hand. They all looked really nervous.


On the Ice
Jan 20, 2022
Line starts behind Moonvine and me!

OMG, so nervous... TMI I have to go to the bathroom, but there's no time to leave without missing stuff!
I agree. They should of at least been higher than F/G and I kike both teams. The Lion King program composition should have had more African and animal like movements like the broadway show.


Feb 18, 2014
Neither I liked S/K ( and their coach) overconfident reaction after the skate, that they are going to be first of all previous team; the other teams waited their scores in more humble manner. Nerveless I am glad S/K got that silver.
In my untrained in ice dance eyes they were/are fourth.
Why?? You just said straight afterwards that they should have been 4th.

I would have had them even lower, like 12th.


¿No ven quién soy yo?
Record Breaker
Mar 28, 2014
OK, so I love the French but this program was boring AF. They are Olympic champion quality so happy they now have that title but quite an underwhelming win. The event as a whole was lackluster.

Olympic Ice Dance 4 years ago was unreal.