Most controversial programs | Page 5 | Golden Skate

Most controversial programs


Record Breaker
Mar 6, 2010
I personally think that their program was a very good example of how to perform to a dance belonging to another culture without being offending or appearing disrespectful.

Yes but now it would be totally unacceptable even if great! Like apu on Simpson’s. It’s going to be banned.


Dec 31, 2005
So people on here are offended by the Duchenay's 1988 dance? I'm curious as to what doesn't offend these people. I'm guessing this year's Latin American short dance with some rather interesting costuming choices offended you too? I mean, it should based on your reasoning...
In terms of being controversial, it was very much so at the time, and broke several of the rules that were in place post-Torvill and Dean/Bolero, and reinforced again post-88 Duchenay dance. Don't people on this board do any homework about the historical and significant programs and skaters of the not-so-distant past? I'm surprised someone hasn't watch a video of Don Jackson's 1962 performance and said he only did 2 triples so he would never beat Nathan Chen, or what's so great about it? Might be the same people who have never spent some quality youtube time watching John Curry or Toller Cranston, or Janet Lynn and looking at what they added to skating that changed it. If you are so flustered by the Duchenay's music or costume, watch it anyway, compare it to Bolero (does that offend you too?) and watch Torvill-Dean's winning dance in 1981 worlds and how dancing progressed at that time, then watch brilliant Pakhomova-Gorshkov 1976 dance and Towler-Ford winning 1966 dance, note the changes over time.


On the Ice
Feb 29, 2012
Bestemianova and Bukin's Rasputin program

They used this in professional competitions.
Practically every possible controversial feature:
Gunshots, check, crossdressing, check, politics, check, religion, check, death, check

But they did not manage a hole in the ice for Rasputin to disappear into at the end. That was the only thing missing.

This was the one I was about to post. It still stand out in my memory as jaw dropping (and not in a good way)


On the Ice
Feb 29, 2012
With all the hip thrusting, posing, and provocative lyrics, isn't this program the quintessential 'controversial' program :biggrin:

I LOATHED this program. It really coloured my attitude toward Plushenko for the rest of his career. It is only in retrospect that I have come to appreciate some of his other skating. Strange how some programs can create such visceral reactions that people find it really hard to overcome the perception that program creates of the skater. I think Candyman did that for some this year (though not in this case, me).


Former Elite, now Pro. ⛸️
Record Breaker
Jan 9, 2017
I believe Cappellini/Lanotte's 'Addiction' FD in Vancouver deserves mention in this thread. Even though I don't think there were any grumblings about it, it does deal with a theme that is rarely touched upon in figure skating.

There were so many programs to that music across the disciplines that season and especially at those games. I know, because I sat through them all. :gaah::laugh:


You Know I'm a FS Fan...
Record Breaker
Jan 10, 2014
There were so many programs to that music across the disciplines that season and especially at those games. I know, because I sat through them all. :gaah::laugh:

Ya I remember, at least for ice dance. I think Domnina/Shabalin used a snippet of it in their diagonal step and Pechalat/Bourzat used it as the second song in their 'Time' FD. I don't know about the other disciplines but those other programs didn't deal with the same theme.


Record Breaker
Jul 9, 2014
I LOATHED this program. It really coloured my attitude toward Plushenko for the rest of his career. It is only in retrospect that I have come to appreciate some of his other skating. Strange how some programs can create such visceral reactions that people find it really hard to overcome the perception that program creates of the skater. I think Candyman did that for some this year (though not in this case, me).

It was an exhibition.....A very popular one at that. If you look at his "Competitive" programs, you'll understand how, and why, he is a legend to this day.


Former Elite, now Pro. ⛸️
Record Breaker
Jan 9, 2017
Ya I remember, at least for ice dance. I think Domnina/Shabalin used a snippet of it in their diagonal step and Pechalat/Bourzat used it as the second song in their 'Time' FD. I don't know about the other disciplines but those other programs didn't deal with the same theme.

There was at least one in the pairs that did. I can't recall who it was right now though.


Record Breaker
Jun 27, 2012
I LOATHED this program. It really coloured my attitude toward Plushenko for the rest of his career. It is only in retrospect that I have come to appreciate some of his other skating. Strange how some programs can create such visceral reactions that people find it really hard to overcome the perception that program creates of the skater. I think Candyman did that for some this year (though not in this case, me).

With all the hip thrusting, posing, and provocative lyrics, isn't this program the quintessential 'controversial' program :biggrin:

It was an exhibition.....A very popular one at that. If you look at his "Competitive" programs, you'll understand how, and why, he is a legend to this day.

LOL! Maybe that program is controversial for some people. But those don't understand the humor and satire. :drama: Plus that was a exhibition, it was surprising, brave, unprecedented program in the skating world. And good to know that probably is the most well-known and most viewed figure skating program ever. That is shared not only on Youtube in many versions and some of them have million viewers but on many other video sharing sites and on Facebook, too. On Facebook there is a video 43 millions viewers. ;) And most of those people adore it and laugh at it. Thus the program has reached its goal, laughs and entertains people.

I believe such "controversial" programs are good for this sport. This program and Plush's sexy bottom and legs :cool2: brought many new fans for him and for the figure skating. :laugh:


Record Breaker
Aug 1, 2011
It was an exhibition.....A very popular one at that. If you look at his "Competitive" programs, you'll understand how, and why, he is a legend to this day.

I call it the Picasso Effect: you can admire the genius but still not want to hang one over the living room sofa.


Record Breaker
Aug 1, 2011
I REALLY liked that! Can someone explain what was so controversial about it?

It wasn't a nice, safe ballroom dance. It said, "We aren't in the Lawrence Welk Age anymore kiddies."

Then again 'nice' and 'safe' programs also tend to be eminently forgettable. Programs that are edgy and controversial are, on the other hand, generally ruthlessly memorable.


Record Breaker
Aug 1, 2011
Bestemianova and Bukin's Rasputin program

They used this in professional competitions.
Practically every possible controversial feature:
Gunshots, check, crossdressing, check, politics, check, religion, check, death, check

But they did not manage a hole in the ice for Rasputin to disappear into at the end. That was the only thing missing.

Maybe I have no soul but I find that HILARIOUS. A Camp much of their work. She's the Gloria Swanson/Sunset Blvd of skaters.


Final Flight
May 27, 2018
I want to say I'm shocked that a good chunk of 6+ pages of this thread was spent trying to defend racism as a competitive strategy, but humanity finds new and exciting ways to disappoint me every day it seems. What a mess.

ANYWAY, as much as I respect and admire Plushenko's skating and accomplishments, literally whenever I think of him now all I see is that muscle man costume. Like, it was such a powerful image, it wiped every other memory of him from my mind. :laugh:

I really like Medvedeva but as someone who lived in lower Manhattan during 9/11, I couldn't deal with watching that program. The concept and soundtrack was fine, but the audio over that step sequence was actually kind of upsetting for me. I'd either mute or just walk away and do something else while she was skating. And since I like her skating, that sucked. It felt cheap and emotionally manipulative (to me...everyone is entitled to their own opinions and that's fine).

elektra blue

mother of skaters
Record Breaker
Jul 11, 2018
well executed? yes. good coreo? yes. lyrics appropriate for a 13yo to skate to? HARD NO. i CAN'T, for the love of me, understand HOW any adult can hear the words "So let me get right to the point/I don't pop my cork for every man I see", see the little tiny girl skating to them, and not be appalled. I cringe just thinking about it. and i hate it because Trusova is actually so engaged in the music! which should be good, but instead just makes it worse!!

(hello! i'm new!)

i agree with you. i find very inappropriate for a 13 yo to impersonate a prostitute calling for clients, she gave me a very strong jonbennet ramsey feeling. but i guess she (and her parents) didn't understand the lyrics.