2017 Europeans Ladies FS | Page 42 | Golden Skate

2017 Europeans Ladies FS


Record Breaker
Aug 31, 2014
Sotskova should go. One bad FS shouldn't negate that. She made the GPF on her first try, after all. Maria is on the rise, while (sadly) Radionova is on the decline.

That's right. I'm a fan of both skaters, but I think that Elena should rest after Universiade.


Match Penalty
Feb 13, 2014
Anna deserved to be on the podium at 2014 Worlds. She deserved to get silver at 2016 Worlds. Imho she deserved silver at GPF. She won't ever beat Evgenia. We get it. But is that a reason to ALWAYS lowball her so that other skaters get their podium place? Argh, just thinking about it is horrible.

Thanks Meoima for telling me what happened. That I couldn't watch it is really a disappointment. I wanted to see Anna's smile.
Anna deserves silver at WC 2014. I love Yulia and Carolina but both of them were not better than Anna there. She has been robbed of a rightful silver at most biggest competitions for years!! I am so happy! Now Russian Fed will have to look at her and say: "This girl is as reliable as Med, we should not ignore her!"


Record Breaker
Jan 25, 2013
For me, it's not a huge tragedy that Medvedeva made an extra combo, but it does leave a slightly bad taste in the mouth.

A competition is about seeing who performs best within a certain set of rules. If you want to flaunt (and doing something just because you can does count as flaunting in my book), there are many ways to do that within the set rules: as others have mentioned, trying out various different jump combinations, thinking of interesting transitions and other elements. Being technical and really original would achieve an even greater effect :yes:

Again, what happened is not a big deal, just sightly unpleasant.

Anyway, congrats to all the medalists, they really deserved it! :thank:

Medvedeva was "docked" for breaking the rules, with a REP deduction on her 2A+3T combo. Still got a WR though. :laugh:


On the Ice
Oct 19, 2010
I really don't get why people would get upset with Medvedeva's extra 3toe. Yes, she's showing off her amazing consistency, but it's not as if she received any points for it. Rightfully the jump was invalidated, so relax. Plus, it somehow hides her relatively not so strong 2 axel, and the crowd loves it.


Record Breaker
May 2, 2015
She placed 4th. I hardly think a skate-off is needed. Russian Nationals was the time for Elena to beat her, not depend on her messing up at Euros. And judging by Elena's performances, what's to say she would have done better (and I say this as a Radionova fan).

But at least Radi has some star quality in comparison to Sostkova .


Record Breaker
Jan 25, 2013
I think she wanted to do the 3S-3T-3T anyway, but wasn't able to because of the landing. So next time she'll probably go for that again.

I wonder if any skater has ever received two REPs on one protocol? i.e. if she did 3S+3T+3T and 2A+3T? :laugh:


Record Breaker
Nov 28, 2012
imo they were terribly generous to Kostner with some of the PCS elements
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[email protected]

Record Breaker
Mar 26, 2014
It's good to see Caro back showing a good grit. Cannot agree that she was underscored vs. Evgenya on pcs. She skated like a lady but still her skating felt heavy and labored. Zhenya flew over the ice - Caro worked and fighted for landings. May be it would sound like a blasphemy but I enjoyed Leona Hendricks' skating tonight more than Caro's. So no.

Anna showed unbelievable grit and smartness having drastically changed her layout on the fly. Still her skating tonight looked labored. The high point of this FS for me was at CoR. Then she skated like a goddess.

I don't understand those who have grudges against Zhenya's 4th combo. What is her crime? She did an extra jump? She did not get points for that. She is showing off? So what? She won 10 or so competitions in a row. It would be 20 if there was not a minor setback to Radionova at 2015 CoR. She has no competition so far so let her have some fun while it lasts.


Record Breaker
Jan 25, 2013
But at least Radi has some star quality in comparison to Sostkova .

I disagree that Sotskova lacks star quality. I don't find her as energetic or as spryly as Radionova but she is a lovely skater to watch and her elegance and lines look "different" from the other Russian wunderkids.

Violet Bliss

Record Breaker
Nov 19, 2010
Well, I just don't want her to pull a Plushenko and leave out a 3S allowing Sandhu to win or 2L allowing Lysacek to win. I know it's not the same, but essentially, don't fly too close to the sun.

Then it would be her wings that burn and she'd know the limit has been reached. Until then, she'll have had a lot of fun. And not winning once is no big deal.


Record Breaker
Dec 11, 2014
I disagree that Sotskova lacks star quality. I don't find her as energetic or as spryly as Radionova but she is a lovely skater to watch and her elegance and lines look "different" from the other Russian wunderkids.

I don't know, she mainly bores the heck out of me. She's just not engaging.


Steps and Spirals enthusiast
Record Breaker
Mar 15, 2015
Just to say something in response to the question "why can't she put an extra 3T? it is good to the sport by pushing it forward" etc.

First, I think it is well known that Evgenia is an ultra consistent jumper. Who doesn't know she can put (at least one) 3T after every jump? (except the lutz maybe). But the point is, in an international competition, there is a thing called decency. In your own country's nationals competition, i dont care you can do whatever you like because the officials are promoting you anyway. But facing an international audience and skaters, you should be respectful by doing what you need to do, not what you want to do. It is like you can scream as loud as you want at home, but you must behave well in public. It is to respect the others and yourself. The judges really should not condone this kind of behaviour, because it is absolutely unfair to other skaters. This kind of behaviour has become, to me, a kind of a spoiled child.

Second, I have said a million times, yes, jumps are an essential part of this sport. BUT, there are many other athletic aspects too in this sport. Edge works, steps, spins, spirals etc. These are ALL athletic (and artistic) qualities of this sport. By pushing only the jumps side is NOT pushing the sport forward, but off the cliff. All of the aforementioned aspects (and many others) are what that constitute the sport of figure skating. If we all incline to ONE particular element of this sport, this sport will crash eventually.

And again, Evgenia is talented, and she has a lot to grow in the artistic side. But if she wants to do more than normal, as she herself said, she should do more on the artistic side in order to make herself a complete skater.


Record Breaker
Sep 8, 2014
Great competition. What do we learn?
1. Judges at Russian Nationals should judge the skaters on their actual performances. Now it's obvious that Radionova would have been the better pick.
2. Carolina is getting reliable in her old days. :hap57: And I can't criticise a thing about this program/performance.
3. Anna is fierce, agressive and a smart cookie. What was she, 4th at Nationals? What a joke.
4. Evgenia needs a fun program, this drama isn't for her. And she should add this 3Lo in combination, I can do without all those 3T's and 2T's. I get it - she can do a 3T. She can do better if she really wants to show off. Honestly, I'm not impressed by the performance from her. She deserved to win of course, there's no doubt, but she could be more. More! I need more from Evgenia! Another 3T just doesn't do it for me.
5. Laurine's costume change doesn't get old.
6. Loved Loena. I think she's here to stay.


Record Breaker
Nov 3, 2012
Medvedeva was "docked" for breaking the rules, with a REP deduction on her 2A+3T combo. Still got a WR though. :laugh:

I know, that's why I said she can do it - both physically, and points-wise. I think it's great that she can be so confident in her victory that, even with two wonderful skaters ahead, she allows herself the luxury of doing this. After all, confidence is key. Doesn't make it feel less unpleasant for me though :slink:


Record Breaker
Feb 13, 2014
Medvedeva was "docked" for breaking the rules, with a REP deduction on her 2A+3T combo. Still got a WR though. :laugh:

It's so strange. The REP deduction is for not adding a combo on a second jumps, or not doing a combo in the Short. It's like they made up a rule just for this.


Record Breaker
Feb 22, 2016
from the interviews she seems like such an obedient gal
I hope next time she skates to smth she truly loves
Like EXO or smth :laugh:

Medvedeva's exho this season is awesome :biggrin: And I am saying that as not-a-fan, I would feel better if she was winning with better programs. I accept Short programme but that Free Skate ... I know I am beating dead horse here ut still :disapp: