2016 Skate Canada Short Dance | Page 16 | Golden Skate

2016 Skate Canada Short Dance


The Notorious SEW
Record Breaker
Jan 11, 2014
Here is what I want to know: Why not have Scott dress like prince and Tessa dress like Appolonia? I mean if it wouldn't get her a costume deduction.


The Notorious SEW
Record Breaker
Jan 11, 2014
BTW, I always have to root for Bukin's son. This is to make up for what a brat I was back in 88 because I wanted B/B to lose to K/P and I hated that stupid free dance they did so I actively rooted against them. I'm trying to get back my good figure skating Karma. When that happens Canada will finally win the men's gold at the Olympics. I am convinced of it.


Record Breaker
Mar 7, 2014
Here is what I want to know: Why not have Scott dress like prince and Tessa dress like Appolonia? I mean if it wouldn't get her a costume deduction.

No, even better: Tessa should dress like Chaka Kahn.

(MRRICE, where the heck are you!!?!? That comment was for you, wheverever you are)


¿No ven quién soy yo?
Record Breaker
Mar 28, 2014
They took out their hideous wolf turn twizzles. THANK YOU Stukin.


Record Breaker
Mar 20, 2014
No. I'm sorry, the first half of this program was always meant to be Ray Charles' Busted to go with Lunchmoney Lewis' Bills- and no random beat break in the middle. That would have been the perfect program.